Started this am with rain, but ended up a really nice day up in the 60's. George had fun on the tractor. We had ducks on the pond. A nice day for us, but a deadly tornado over on the AR/OK border town of Cincinnati. I am ready to start over with a new year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
am I doing? This is how I like to use the laptop. I tried using it with the mouse pad on the laptop, but I hate it. The lap table here is a piece of cardboard. Tomorrow, I am going to get George to cut a piece of the paneling we used in the bed room to use in the place of the cardboard. I can use the mouse just on the chair arm, but I like this better. The problem with the laptop mouse pad is that I can not get it to scroll like the scroll wheel on the regular mouse. That means you have to grab the side bars to scroll web pages and the web is the only way place I use the laptop. I think there is a way to set the mouse pad so it will scroll but I have not been able to figure it out as yet. I try to use the laptop if I want to get on the web when George is here because he would much rather play cards on the real computer. All in all I am pleased with the laptop.
I am going to get a portable hard drive to back up my pictures and genealogy files, but I have not gotten it yet. I may get George to go with me to Bestbuy this weekend and see what they have. Walmart did not have much selection. I think I am going to try one of the online photo sharing places also. I think Erin uses Shutterfly. I do not have to go back to work until next Wednesday so I have time to play.
This is the quilt Helen sent me. It is one Grandma Gaddy made. I do not remember it. I think it looks good here. I wanted to leave it out on display but would not want it to get much ware and tare. This rocker is rarely used. When Robert is here, he likes to sit in it and watch TV sometimes, but other than that hardly anyone ever sits in it. I like having the quilt out where I can see it. It makes me feel you to see it on the rocker.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A tale
Or two. Helen is posting old pictures. When I got out the Christmas stuff, I looked at some old pictures. This is one Junior has asked about not long ago. He calls it the two headed calf.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Good news
The girl went to LR to the Doctor today. They said she was doing great and could return to all normal activities. They released her and she does not have to go back to LR. She will return to school next Monday. She is a great present. Only 4 years old and already she has been on 2 helicopter rides.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Alone at last!!!
Greg went back to OK, George took the two big kids home, I took the little ones to meet there Mama at Green Forest about an hour ago. Tomorrow will be a real day off. I am tired.
Christmas, Again
Emmy helped Hannah play games on the computer, for over an HOUR! Emmy is a big help with the babies. I was really impressed how she played with Hannah at Hannah's pace on the computer for such a long time.
Hannah got in the box and said, "I am a present." Then she got Robert to get in the box with her.
Two very pretty girls.
Hannah took this picture. Lane played with the little ones also. We went to the store to get Emmy's present from GMaw. Emmy got a Wii and needed more controlers, so that is what we got. Hannah went with us while Robert stayed with Daddy. Lane carried the girl all around the store and took care of her while we shopped. With the big kids here, the little ones are not much trouble.
Everyone is still here this morning. We are going to have waffles for the kids for breakfast and the big boys are going to get left over biscuits, potatoes and gravy from yesterday.
I am in the bedroom playing on the laptop, Papa is in the living room playing cards on the desk top and everyone one else is asleep all over the house.
And, that's the way it is at our house, December 27, 2010...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
We had company today after all. The boy got to open his DIY gift card, go to the store, pick a card, and pay for it yourself.
The girl got a shopping trip with Grandma gift card, and some new clothes.
Greg will be here tonight and the babies will be here tomorrow.
Friday, December 24, 2010
It's all over
Except the opening and shouting. Greg will be in sometime Sunday, so we are getting the babies Sunday morning. I will let them open and shout when they get here then they can open and shout again when Daddy gets here.
Hannah's little baby doll came in a box that was shaped like a cradle, so I covered it in material and made a blanket to match and an extra blanket for good measure. I got special gift cards for the older grandkids.
We are having steaks for Christmas dinner Sunday after Greg gets here or when other son gets here, whichever comes first. The last one here will get warmed over steak.
George is in the dog house. He did not get me anything for Christmas. After all these years together, looks like he would buy something. I am very mistreated.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
This is what my little Christmas Tree looked like when I first put it up about a month ago.
This is what it looked like after Robert was here for a week.
This is what it looks like now, after Hannah was here for a day.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Hannah
Above photos by MeMa.
Self Portrait By Hannah.
Robert and Papa, by Hannah.
We had lots of fun. They went home with a ton of loot.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Old news
I have been tired all week. Stayed up late, past 10 pm Monday night watching the Closer and have not really recovered.
Yesterday, I did Helen's thing and cooked cinnamon rolls, cookies and Laura Jene's cream cheese thingy to take to work. I had a pizza party for our crew today instead of buying them Christmas Junk. It went over really well, and my food was good. My Laura thingy was not as good as Laura's but they liked it because they did not know any better.and thought it was good. I gave the recipe to several. I tried a new recipe for the cinnamon rolls. I always loved those cinnabon cinnamon rolls so I searched for a recipe. Here
is the one I tried. I had to use more flour than called for, I let them rise a second time, and I cooked them almost 20 minutes instead of 10, but they were VERY good. This is going to be my new cinnamon roll recipe.
However, I am not Helen and the whole thing of cooking was a big chore, not a joy as it is with her. I lived through it though and I am through with Christmas at work until next year. I am not a fan of Christmas. I enjoy little presents for little kids under 10 years old. I have alway thought that Christmas for grown people was an exercise in stupidity. Every year at Christmas time, I see little children that break my heart. I think Christmas in our country is about greed and poor little broken hearted children.
Tomorrow, I am only working 4 hours, then I am coming home to make Hannah's birthday. She asked her Mommy why she did not have a birthday. I am going to decorate the table with Christmas lights and tinsel and make her a cake with a princess crown on it. We will go get them Saturday morning. I am going to give her some of the stuff I got her for Christmas. I will keep them till Sunday afternoon if she does alright. Jackie says she is doing great.
I am going to try to get some pictures of her in her new Christmas outfit I bought for her. We plan on having a big time.
I have been tired all week. Stayed up late, past 10 pm Monday night watching the Closer and have not really recovered.
Yesterday, I did Helen's thing and cooked cinnamon rolls, cookies and Laura Jene's cream cheese thingy to take to work. I had a pizza party for our crew today instead of buying them Christmas Junk. It went over really well, and my food was good. My Laura thingy was not as good as Laura's but they liked it because they did not know any better.and thought it was good. I gave the recipe to several. I tried a new recipe for the cinnamon rolls. I always loved those cinnabon cinnamon rolls so I searched for a recipe. Here
is the one I tried. I had to use more flour than called for, I let them rise a second time, and I cooked them almost 20 minutes instead of 10, but they were VERY good. This is going to be my new cinnamon roll recipe.
However, I am not Helen and the whole thing of cooking was a big chore, not a joy as it is with her. I lived through it though and I am through with Christmas at work until next year. I am not a fan of Christmas. I enjoy little presents for little kids under 10 years old. I have alway thought that Christmas for grown people was an exercise in stupidity. Every year at Christmas time, I see little children that break my heart. I think Christmas in our country is about greed and poor little broken hearted children.
Tomorrow, I am only working 4 hours, then I am coming home to make Hannah's birthday. She asked her Mommy why she did not have a birthday. I am going to decorate the table with Christmas lights and tinsel and make her a cake with a princess crown on it. We will go get them Saturday morning. I am going to give her some of the stuff I got her for Christmas. I will keep them till Sunday afternoon if she does alright. Jackie says she is doing great.
I am going to try to get some pictures of her in her new Christmas outfit I bought for her. We plan on having a big time.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hats and Broadband
What I found out about my wireless broadband is that Verizon is having a problem between the old Altel network address 5 spot connections so that the Wi-Fi does not work in the areas that are served by the old Altel numbers. That is why the WI-FI light on the gadget did not light up. They said they were working on it, and when the WI-FI light on my gadget lights up, I will be able to connect to it with my laptop no matter even if the gadget is not pugged in anywhere as long as it is on and within about 100 feet of the laptop. That means I can leave it plugged into the big computer and connect from the laptop wirelessly. When they get it working. In the mean time, it works to move it from one to the other. George feels superior in that he kept insisting we go back to the Verizon store and ask for help. I feel good that I have finally decided that it was the WI-FI on the gadget that was at fault and not my laptop. Several people told me I probably needed a router. I did not think so because the wireless on the laptop should not need a router to connect. And, if I have trouble getting it to work with my laptop when it is fixed, I can just take it all to the store and they will work it out. That is the good thing about having an actual store to go to for help.
And the hats. We got them all at Branson. We went to Denny's to eat at Branson after leaving Harrison. We were right next to Tanger Outlet, so we started shopping there and did not have to go any other place. We got one hat and clothes for Emmy's Christmas at the Children's place. They had a VERY good sale going on. I got the nice pink hat and gloves set at Oshkosh along with four really nice school shirts for Robert. Found the dressy black hat at Clairs, an accessory store, and it cost more than the other three combined.
I also got Yankee candles for my boss and the women supervisors at work. It is always a chore to decide what to do for the work people. I usually buy some little something for all the people I work directly with. This year, I have decided that the day before they have their Christmas party, I am going to order pizza for our lunch. It will cost about the same and they will be pleased.
I am about through with Christmas, but, I think later today I may go to the dollar store and buy a bunch of toys for the babies, wrap them up and take them over Monday or Tuesday so they can have a present to open each day until Christmas. The babies are my weakest point.
And the hats. We got them all at Branson. We went to Denny's to eat at Branson after leaving Harrison. We were right next to Tanger Outlet, so we started shopping there and did not have to go any other place. We got one hat and clothes for Emmy's Christmas at the Children's place. They had a VERY good sale going on. I got the nice pink hat and gloves set at Oshkosh along with four really nice school shirts for Robert. Found the dressy black hat at Clairs, an accessory store, and it cost more than the other three combined.
I also got Yankee candles for my boss and the women supervisors at work. It is always a chore to decide what to do for the work people. I usually buy some little something for all the people I work directly with. This year, I have decided that the day before they have their Christmas party, I am going to order pizza for our lunch. It will cost about the same and they will be pleased.
I am about through with Christmas, but, I think later today I may go to the dollar store and buy a bunch of toys for the babies, wrap them up and take them over Monday or Tuesday so they can have a present to open each day until Christmas. The babies are my weakest point.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
We got hats!!!!!!!
We got three more hats and a crown. She always says she wants to be a princess.
Above is a pretty pink hat and gloves that will go with her coat I got her last month. These are that VERY soft fleece that we love.
This is a black 'velvet' hat that will go with her pretty Christmas dress. She will love them all.
Good Morning, All
I am playing on the laptop again. I just do not like typing on it. But, I like it better when I use it as the name implies, on the lap.
Helen called before 8 this morning. I was just getting up and had not even made coffee yet. I usually sleep till 7 or so on the week end. I only go to work at 5 so I can get off at 2. Other days, I really try not to wake up at 4 am.
We are going today to the Verizon store at Harrison to ask about our internet gadget. I have about decided that it will not connect wirelessly because we do not have broadband here at the house, but I am going to go ask. And then the device will not turn off. It is supposed to turn on and off like a cell phone, but it just stays on all the time.
George is taking me and we are going to do a little Christmas shopping. I want to look for a black velvet hat for the baby girl to go with her pretty red and black outfit. Not a stocking cap, but a real hat. It is hard to find real hats for toddlers. After Harrison, we will go on to Branson if we do not find one. Branson has many more stores to look in. George will like that. I will take him to breakfast as a reward for going along. It is supposed to be really cold today, so he would not be doing anything except watching TV anyway.
Helen called before 8 this morning. I was just getting up and had not even made coffee yet. I usually sleep till 7 or so on the week end. I only go to work at 5 so I can get off at 2. Other days, I really try not to wake up at 4 am.
We are going today to the Verizon store at Harrison to ask about our internet gadget. I have about decided that it will not connect wirelessly because we do not have broadband here at the house, but I am going to go ask. And then the device will not turn off. It is supposed to turn on and off like a cell phone, but it just stays on all the time.
George is taking me and we are going to do a little Christmas shopping. I want to look for a black velvet hat for the baby girl to go with her pretty red and black outfit. Not a stocking cap, but a real hat. It is hard to find real hats for toddlers. After Harrison, we will go on to Branson if we do not find one. Branson has many more stores to look in. George will like that. I will take him to breakfast as a reward for going along. It is supposed to be really cold today, so he would not be doing anything except watching TV anyway.
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Hannah's Hats
This is Hannah with her hats so Helen will not feel bad about not making her a hat. The plastic box on the arm of the chair had the new hats. I put this one on her because it was Christmasy, but there are two in the box t hat are homemade, very pretty and brand new even though I bought them at the thrift store. One is pink on top with a multi colored 'cuff' in pinks and greens. The other one is multi colored greens with a little bit of pink. They are both very nice and very pretty. See here dress, jacket and purse beside. Jackie said she could ware this outfit when she has to go back to Little Rock next month. Maybe we can get a picture of her in this outfit sitting on Santa's lap in the next weeks.
The babies
We went to see Hannah and Robert today.. Hannah is doing good. I took her 5 knit hats that I bought for her. This is one, then she has a pink and green one, a green and pink one, a blue one, and another one like this that is red with white trim. Robert is playing with the remote control monster car his Daddy bought him when he was here. He really likes it. I did not let him take it home because I was afraid it would disturb Hannah because. Now that she is better, she can play with it while Robert is at school.
I changed over to the 'new' improved blogger. I do not like it. I can not get the pictures to behave, and I can not get it to let me put text between the pictures. I wonder if I can make it go back to the old version of posting.
This is their yard. The house is the neighbors house. They have a bigger yard to play in than I thought they had but it is a hill side. It is about 30' by 20' and has this big tree.
Hannah loved her new red dress. We did not get to try it on her. Maybe next time I can get some pictures in the new dress.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Helen, I am posting. I read your post, and thought, 'I will go over and post, Surprise, A post from Fleta' and nothing else, but I need to say I called Jackie and the girl is doing great. Jackie says she is just like nothing happened. Tomorrow, after Robert is out of school, Papa and I are going over to see for ourselves. Papa got a little attached to Robert when he was here for a week, so he wants to wait till Robert is home so they can talk.
Patsy is always posting jokes or stupid stuff, so here is my joke for the day.
This involves laughing Terry at work, I do not know Terry's last name, but I assure you, Patsy and Clayton will both know who I mean by laughing Terry. Last week, we were both walking from the front offices back to the FP offices where I work. The flag pole in front of the building has three flags, the US flag, the Arkansas flag, and a worn out, tattered Tyson flag. I think it is appropriate that the Tyson flag is coming apart with a big strip about the length of the flag hanging off the bottom. Anyway, as we looked at the flags, it looked as if the Arkansas flag was hung on the rope sideways with the diamond running up and down instead of sideways. I thought it might be that the end of the flag has frozen to the Tyson flag below making it hang sideways, but it really looked like it had been hung on the rope sideways. I said to Terry, 'I know when the flag is upside down it is a sign of distress but what is the flag hanging sideways a sign of?' Terry said, 'A Dumb Ass.'
Good Morning, Helen.
Patsy is always posting jokes or stupid stuff, so here is my joke for the day.
This involves laughing Terry at work, I do not know Terry's last name, but I assure you, Patsy and Clayton will both know who I mean by laughing Terry. Last week, we were both walking from the front offices back to the FP offices where I work. The flag pole in front of the building has three flags, the US flag, the Arkansas flag, and a worn out, tattered Tyson flag. I think it is appropriate that the Tyson flag is coming apart with a big strip about the length of the flag hanging off the bottom. Anyway, as we looked at the flags, it looked as if the Arkansas flag was hung on the rope sideways with the diamond running up and down instead of sideways. I thought it might be that the end of the flag has frozen to the Tyson flag below making it hang sideways, but it really looked like it had been hung on the rope sideways. I said to Terry, 'I know when the flag is upside down it is a sign of distress but what is the flag hanging sideways a sign of?' Terry said, 'A Dumb Ass.'
Good Morning, Helen.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
My Day
Betty posted about how her day started, so here is my day today.
I woke up about 10 minutes before 4. My alarm is supposed to be set for 4 am, but I forgot to turn it on last night. I had turned it off the morning before, because I got up early (don't remember just how early now, but probably around 3:30). I turned the alarm off so it would not bother George. Then forgot to turn it back on. If I wait till it goes off, I turn it off and right back on. Anyway, I got up about 10 before 4 even with no alarm. I do not worry much about getting up on time, because it is not really a problem if I go in to work late. My time is supposed to be 5 to 2, but I am always there before 5. Usually about 4:45 to 4:50 like today. So, I got up and started coffee. Then turned the living room TV to channel 33 which used to be headline news, but today, it was an informational. I guess they changed lineups. Then turned to Channel 3 for the Early Today. I got a cup of coffee, and watched a little news. Must not have been very interesting. I do not remember anything I saw. After drinking the coffee, I go in and brush my teeth, wash my face, put on a little makeup maybe?, brush my hair and get dressed. That takes about 10 minutes. Then I fix breakfast and lunch to take to work. I never eat before leaving the house. Just drink. Today, I took a bottle of milk and some artificial sweetner to go in my oatmeal. I had oatmeal at work. I do not want rasins in it like sister, and I just as soon have the quick cook, but now I have old fashioned. I took left over pizza and a pepsi for lunch, and jar of peanut butter because I used the last I had at work last week. I keep things like tuna, crackers and peanut butter in my drawer JIC. I do not go buy anything at work or town to eat except maybe once a month. I usually even take drinks from home. Oh yes, then I took some tea bags and some hot chocolate packets I had here because I like those at work in the winter time. I pour the coffee in a Thermos to take with me. It is now about 25 after so I go start the truck. It was not all that cold, and I usually only warm the truck up if there is frost on the window, but I had to go outside to see if there was frost. Somewhere around 4:30, I hear the neighbors go out. They work at Tyson's also. I always try to give them at least 5 minutes head start, because they drive really slow until they get to the pavement. At 4:35, I gather up my stuff, turn off all the lights and head to work.
I get to work by 4:50 to 4:55 every day, but I spend the first hour checking email and reading the news on the net. Don't tell my boss, but I hardly ever do any real work until after 6. Around 6, I start on my daily work stuff. After I complained last month about having more to do than there is time at work, some of my daily stuff got assigned to the supervisors. Now, I am not snowed under all the time. In fact, by the end of the week, I think I will actually be caught up. I do not intend to let anyone at work know that.
I woke up about 10 minutes before 4. My alarm is supposed to be set for 4 am, but I forgot to turn it on last night. I had turned it off the morning before, because I got up early (don't remember just how early now, but probably around 3:30). I turned the alarm off so it would not bother George. Then forgot to turn it back on. If I wait till it goes off, I turn it off and right back on. Anyway, I got up about 10 before 4 even with no alarm. I do not worry much about getting up on time, because it is not really a problem if I go in to work late. My time is supposed to be 5 to 2, but I am always there before 5. Usually about 4:45 to 4:50 like today. So, I got up and started coffee. Then turned the living room TV to channel 33 which used to be headline news, but today, it was an informational. I guess they changed lineups. Then turned to Channel 3 for the Early Today. I got a cup of coffee, and watched a little news. Must not have been very interesting. I do not remember anything I saw. After drinking the coffee, I go in and brush my teeth, wash my face, put on a little makeup maybe?, brush my hair and get dressed. That takes about 10 minutes. Then I fix breakfast and lunch to take to work. I never eat before leaving the house. Just drink. Today, I took a bottle of milk and some artificial sweetner to go in my oatmeal. I had oatmeal at work. I do not want rasins in it like sister, and I just as soon have the quick cook, but now I have old fashioned. I took left over pizza and a pepsi for lunch, and jar of peanut butter because I used the last I had at work last week. I keep things like tuna, crackers and peanut butter in my drawer JIC. I do not go buy anything at work or town to eat except maybe once a month. I usually even take drinks from home. Oh yes, then I took some tea bags and some hot chocolate packets I had here because I like those at work in the winter time. I pour the coffee in a Thermos to take with me. It is now about 25 after so I go start the truck. It was not all that cold, and I usually only warm the truck up if there is frost on the window, but I had to go outside to see if there was frost. Somewhere around 4:30, I hear the neighbors go out. They work at Tyson's also. I always try to give them at least 5 minutes head start, because they drive really slow until they get to the pavement. At 4:35, I gather up my stuff, turn off all the lights and head to work.
I get to work by 4:50 to 4:55 every day, but I spend the first hour checking email and reading the news on the net. Don't tell my boss, but I hardly ever do any real work until after 6. Around 6, I start on my daily work stuff. After I complained last month about having more to do than there is time at work, some of my daily stuff got assigned to the supervisors. Now, I am not snowed under all the time. In fact, by the end of the week, I think I will actually be caught up. I do not intend to let anyone at work know that.
Monday, December 06, 2010
What's what, December 6, 2010
Just called Jackie and Hannah is doing great. Jackie has worked on her hair with conditioner and thinks maybe it will not have to be cut short. She cannot wash it yet, but she said she had it looking better. I am supposed to look for some hats for her and I will take them over one day after work.
I have my Microsoft Office installed on the laptop and it is working. I bought an upgrade to my genealogy program and have it on both computers now. We were putting the laptop up on a high chest in the bedroom while the boy was here, but now we can leave it in the living room. I have noticed that the color on the laptop for pictures and such is much brighter than on the old computer.
We got the new bigger TV connected in the living room and the older one in the bedroom. I like it better this way. The new one was way too big for the bedroom. And, I have real HDTV to watch the new Closer tonight. Our other TV was supposed to be HD, but it never worked right.
All in all, I like the new computer, the new TV and the new Internet.
I have my Microsoft Office installed on the laptop and it is working. I bought an upgrade to my genealogy program and have it on both computers now. We were putting the laptop up on a high chest in the bedroom while the boy was here, but now we can leave it in the living room. I have noticed that the color on the laptop for pictures and such is much brighter than on the old computer.
We got the new bigger TV connected in the living room and the older one in the bedroom. I like it better this way. The new one was way too big for the bedroom. And, I have real HDTV to watch the new Closer tonight. Our other TV was supposed to be HD, but it never worked right.
All in all, I like the new computer, the new TV and the new Internet.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Home again, Home again, Clickity Clack

The baby girl came home yesterday, so we took the boy to his Mommy. He had a good time and is probably a bit spoiled, but he was getting worried about no Mommy. Here he is shopping.
Hannah is doing good. I took her picture in the car, but Papa did not like it and does not want it posted. I thought she looked pretty good considering, but it was the first time Papa had seen her since last week.

This is me and my Christmas stuff. I took this myself with setting my camera on delayed action. I am trying to get used to using the laptop without the wireless mouse. Today is the first time I have had to play with it. I got the card reader installed and got it to work and get pictures from my camera. I installed the picture editing program that came with my camera. As I use it I think I will like it more. I still really hate the flat keyboard. I think I can get used to the mouse easier than the non standard keyboard.
Then, in the background is my new TV. I wanted a bigger TV for my bedroom. This is a 42 inch Sanyo. We really need to put it in the living room but we had so much trouble getting it to work, we are not up to moving it right now. At least it is very light.
If Lane is reading this, I want him to know that Grandma has spent all her Christmas money on herself and there is nothing left for anyone over 10 years old.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl

MeMa loves you more than anything.
She has the tube out and is doing great. The hospital gave her a big party. A woman gave her a very pretty home made blanket. Daddy called the gift shop and got her some presents, then he gave them his credit card number so she could go down and shop for herself. She had a very big day and is all worn out now.
It was a really good day.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Hannah Update
Jackie just called. When they turned off the drain tube on Hannah yesterday it did not go real well so they had to just turn it back on. Today, they have turned it off again. It has been off for 4 hours and Hannah is doing really well. I could hear here playing and talking in the background. Maybe, tomorrow will be a really good day and they can take the tube out.
Baby Girl

The girl is much better. She looked and acted much more like Hannah. Her head was itching, but was not hurting. We stayed till around 3 and then came back home. Her mother called last night and they have now clamped off the drain tube in her head to see how it goes. She said Hannah was sitting up and playing. That is a very good sign. If everything goes well, they will take the tube out today. She will be glad to get rid of that thing.
I was pleased at how much progress she had made in two days. I am off to work now.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Just to fill in for those who have not heard. Hannah fell and hit her head. She is in Childrens hospital in LR. She had surgery Saturday night. Jackie just called and she is doing good, progressing as the doctors expected. She should be in PICU for another couple of days and then move to a regular room for a few more days. She is not on any oxygen but she does have a catheter and an IV for fluids. She does not like all the tubes and needles.
I went down Saturday night, but drove back yesterday afternoon when she started doing better. I think I will drive back down Friday or Saturday just to see for myself.
Her mother said she was talking about the helicopter ride this afternoon. It is a good sign that she remembers. And, she is eating a little.
She is our beautiful baby girl.
Robert is here with us.
I went down Saturday night, but drove back yesterday afternoon when she started doing better. I think I will drive back down Friday or Saturday just to see for myself.
Her mother said she was talking about the helicopter ride this afternoon. It is a good sign that she remembers. And, she is eating a little.
She is our beautiful baby girl.
Robert is here with us.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Blogs that make you sign in
Well, I am not getting this wireless connect thing. I worked on it a while and broke my laptop connection all together. Finally I had the laptop delete the modem connection and search for it again and that worked, but still not getting it to connect unless the modem is plugged into a port on the laptop. If nothing else, I will take the whole thing back to the nice lady that sold me the modem. But it works like this for now.
I have found I like the laptop better when it is literal. That is literally on my lap, but you are not supposed to use it that way.
But, what I started to write about is this thing about having to log in on some of the family blogs. Patsy told us a shortcut, but I have found all I have to do is go to the blogger main page for my account, like where you can post, change settings or whatever and then go to the private blog. Works every time except I am going to have to find the link for the main blogger page on this thing.
I have found I like the laptop better when it is literal. That is literally on my lap, but you are not supposed to use it that way.
But, what I started to write about is this thing about having to log in on some of the family blogs. Patsy told us a shortcut, but I have found all I have to do is go to the blogger main page for my account, like where you can post, change settings or whatever and then go to the private blog. Works every time except I am going to have to find the link for the main blogger page on this thing.
Half way
I can now connect from either computer with the hot spot plugged into the computer I am using. Now I have to figure out how to get my laptop to connect wirelessly. At least the wireless mouse is working now.
Broadband all the way
Now we are cooking with gas.
I now have broadband on my real computer. Given my drethers, I drether use a real keyboard, real mouse, on a real computer. I am sure if I used the laptop a lot, I would get used to the toy keyboard and the toy mouse, but that may not happen. I hooked the little Verizon broadband thingy up to my real computer and presto chango, I have broadband on both computers. I am using the real computer and the real keyboard now to post this. I am very, very pleased.
The main thing that has been bothering me about my old computer is that IE will not update. I still have IE 6 point something or other and it will not update. That means that now many of the things on the web do not work at all anymore with IE, plus it keeps downloading the update and asking to install, but the install will not work, so IE is stuck in the download, update loop. I now have Mozilla Foxfire and Google Chrome that Betty recommended. I made the chrome thingy my default browser, so that should take care of many of the problems with my computer.
Now, I am going to try to find out how to get one of these other browsers to put the bookmarks along the right side of the page instead of having to click and find where I want to go. That is what I like about IE above the other browsers, having all the book marks (or favorites as IE calls them) right there on the page, with folders closed until I click on a bookmark folder.
Now, I am going to go start up my laptop and see if I can connect it wirelessly, with the Mobile device actually connected to the computer. I am sure it will. Then, I will just leave this thing hooked to the real computer and run the broadband off the laptop wireless.
So far I am a happy camper on the computer broadband front.
Friday, November 26, 2010
New World
I have a new computer, not exactly the one I meant to get, but it is fine. I went to wally world at Harrison at 3 am and got in the line they directed me to for the HP laptop I wanted. Well, they directed me to the wrong line, so I got a cheaper one. This is the one that was $298. It is working.
I got Verizon wireless broadband for $35 a month. That is if I don't use it too much. If this plan is not enough gees, I can upgrade. I think this will be fine. So far so good.
The biggest problem so far is getting used to the different mouse and keyboard. I bought a wireless mouse, but I have not tried it yet,
Life in the fast lane, except for the typing
I got Verizon wireless broadband for $35 a month. That is if I don't use it too much. If this plan is not enough gees, I can upgrade. I think this will be fine. So far so good.
The biggest problem so far is getting used to the different mouse and keyboard. I bought a wireless mouse, but I have not tried it yet,
Life in the fast lane, except for the typing
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Going south...

Geese escaping in front of the cold. It blew in rain last night and is supposed to get really cold today and tonight, but right now my theo meter says 41. And, this is my own pictures of birds gong over the elm tree Tuesday morning.

My newly painted bedroom. George got the walls around the new windows completed 2 days ago and Tuesday I got the painting completed. See the BIG mirror on my dresser? That is the mirror that was on the dressing table. George took the dressing table apart and made two end tables. You can see one of them beside the bed here. He attached the big mirror to the dresser and it looks like they were made for each other. I like this much better. The dressing table was just a junk catcher.

This is a view from the doorway.
I cooked pumpkin pies and made Hannah's birthday cup cakes yesterday and made George some fudge. The turkey is in the oven. I still have to make dressing and potatoes. I am not making home made bread. I have a can of crescent rolls and a package of frozen rolls. I am not sure yet which I will cook, but I am not making my home made rolls. Why? Because I do not want to. I think I will make my Waldorf salad because I really like it even though no one else ever eats any. I will just make a one apple salad. Mashed potatoes and a can of green beans will finish the menu. I do have a can of cranberry sauce, left from last year. Sometimes I forget the cranberry sauce. I am usually the only one that uses it. My family mostly just eats the turkey, dressing, potatoes and bread. I am the only one that goes for deserts.
I am going shopping early tomorrow and then on to get the babies. Hannah's birthday is December 2nd, so we will have her party here Friday when she gets here. I want to have the table decorated and the presents out when she comes in, so I have to have the cup cakes ready today.
I asked George if he wanted to go shopping with me tomorrow, but he declined the invitation. I think that means I can spend the entire $300 on me.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
It pays to clean

I found this in a bank envelope dated March 2007. On the outside of the envelope I had written, Clayton rent. It was money he paid for renting the pasture almost 4 years ago. I don't even have to share it with George because as I started cleaning the closet I asked him if he wanted to help and he said NO!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Christmas Story

I am not a big fan of Christmas trees. I have been looking for some years now for a ceramic tree but had not found one I liked that I wanted to pay for. Yesterday, at one of the thrift shops, I found this little tree that is about 8 inches tall with a light in the base. It was very affordable at only $3. The only thing is, several of the little colored bulbs were missing. These are not actually light bulbs, but just colored globes. I do not think you can buy replacements. However, there were two more trees sitting beside this one that were not as nice but also priced at $3. Several bulbs were missing from each of these trees. I took some of the bulbs off one of the other trees and put in this one to make it full and went up to pay for it. The really nice lady was wrapping it up for me when she noticed that one bulb was missing. She started looking all over for the missing bulb, with me telling her not to worry. It is alright. As I paid the $3, she said if I would leave my number, if she found the missing bulb lying on the floor or something, she would call me. I did not leave my number. Merry Christmas Tree.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
You heard it here first

Watch out world! If you live up this way, better be on the look out for UFO's. The baby boy turned 15 last week, and now he has a driving learners permit. I just can't believe it.
And news from the financial world. I was planing on venturing out early next Friday morning and brave the rush at Wally World. They have a great deal on an HP laptop, but it is one of those door busters that you have to go in early (before 5 am) and get in line for. But, I guess not now, unless someone wants to loan me the $500. My credit card has been canceled. Yesterday, I got a call from the card company saying 29 cents had been charged to my credit card, did I buy something for 29 cents? Well, no. I might charge $500 but I think I can pay cash for 29 cent items. So, someone must have gotten my card number someway, and they canceled my card. I will get another one, but probably not by next Friday. I couldn't understand why they tried to charge 29 cents, but Lisa tells me that sometimes her cards get that when she is making online purchases. It is the store's way of testing the card to see if it was good. Well, it was good, but it is not now. At one time I had several credit cards, but now we only have two, so I guess someone did me a real favor and saved me $500 with a 29 cent charge. Cause, you know, when they tell you buy this and save $$$, they are lying. Really when you buy you spend.
Unless you are husband. He told me this evening that he went to town today and did not spend a cent. So, I asked why he went to town, as usually the reason is he needs to buy something. He said he got dog food. I asked if he stole the dog food since he did not buy it. He said no, he got it at Evans feed store. This local feed store is still like it was when we were kids. You go in, get something, and say put it on my bill. Or, you can call and tell them to set it out on the dock and you will be in after they close to pick it up. And, they have never, ever, ever sent us a bill. Which is a problem when you only charge things once in a blue moon. Sometimes we forget we owe a bill there. I think we went 6 months once owning them $20 or so for corn because we had forgotten we had bought anything. Still, we did not get a bill. Eventually, we went in and charged something else. When we went to pay for something else, the corn was on there also. That is what you get when you live in the sticks.
So, George charged the dog food, which he says means he did not spend any money and he did not buy anything. New math.
And Sister up the road has the crime beat. Today as I talked with her on the phone, she told me a relative of her husband had died. I said I did not know that, but I had read in the paper a month or so ago about this relatives son dying. She said, no he did not die. I said, I read it in the paper. Sister said this cousin's son was in a little trouble with the law concerning a self-authorized prescription for pain meds. It had been some time since his run in with the law and he had not heard what they had planned for him. He came up with a plan. He called the newspaper and placed an obituary for himself. I am guessing he give them a name other than his own as the caller. When his self-authorized obituary ran in the paper, his aunt that lived only a few houses from him (not Sister), called the law to inquire what had happened to her nephew. They did not know. She told them it was in the paper that he died. I am thinking the moral of this story is, if you are going to pretend to die, you might want to let close relatives in on the secret.
Remember, you read it here first.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Blue Sky in the evening

I guess I will not be posting any more after today. Patsy says we are all supposed to stop.
At work, I always say if I am told to do something, I may of may not actually get it done. But, when they tell me to stop, I immediately comply. In fact, many times, at work, I stop doing things that no one has told me to stop doing. If I am doing things that do not appear useful to me, sometimes, I just quit doing whatever it is and see if anyone notices. After working where I work for 22 years, I usually know what has to be done and what can be left undone.
I have worked with many people over the years that do just the opposite to the above. Once told to do something, they continue on over years and years long after the usefulness of the action has disappeared. And, these same individuals, when told to stop doing something they have been doing, will continue on with the task over years and years.
When we got our last plant manager several years ago now, I remember him asking me why I sent out a certain report. I have forgotten what the exact report was now, but I said because someone had in the past asked me to do this. He said, why not quit sending it and see if anyone notices. So, that is what I did. Several weeks later he asked me about this same report. I told him I did not do that report any more. He asked why not. I said because you said to quit sending it and see if anyone noticed. He noticed. I had to start sending that report again.
So that is my stop story, Patsy.
When I had my evaluation a couple of weeks ago at work, I gave my boss a list of the things I do and told her that it was not possible to do all these things in a 40 hour week by myself, and if I took a day or days off, every thing on the list was just left till I came back. Every week, I ran out of work week long before I run our to work. She has now assigned out many of the things on the list to her managers. But the complaint thingy that I hated and that takes most of my time is still on my list. Now, I have to be careful and make sure that I do not run out of work before I run out of work week. That is not really very difficult when no one knows what I do anyway. I do not intend to have any of those things come back to my list.
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