On Saturday I like to go running around and do just whatever I want, but when it is so cold, I usually do not want to do anything. Yesterday, George drove us down to Ponca. I was wanting to see if the Elk were out and about and they certainly were. This is the same area we so so many Elk last spring. Yesterday there were at least 50 elk in these two pastures, the same place we saw 150 or so last spring. These pastures are fenced with well maintained strong farmer fencing so this is not fallow land, it is pasture land that some farmer is trying to use to make a living. The elk our government has dumped on him are welfare bums. I am thinking the farmer is wishing the government would mind their own business and quit dumping wildlife welfare bums on his land.
Patsy posted a link to a new blog she has found. Usually when Patsy recommends a site I take a look. Often times these are political blogs that I do not enjoy, but this new one was very interesting. I read back several weeks into his material and it held my interest. It will give me something to read at work because he is like Patsy and has been posting his opinions and thoughts for several years now. Even though I am not consistent in my posting, our family blogs are my favorite thing about the net ever since Patsy got us started at this.
After the blogs, I like to read the news on the net because, unlike TV news, My Net News is always personally tailored to my tastes because, like Patsy's links, if it does not interest me, I move on to something that does interest me. Most of what is on TV does not interest me.
Speaking of in the news, the frenzy over the injured Congresswoman keeps saying she is doing so well and is making a miraculous recovery. It has been over 2 weeks since she was shot and she is not speaking. I think this is an indication that she is in store for something other than miraculous recovery. I am thinking that she is now trapped inside her injured brain. I hope she finds her way out, but it is possible she will be trapped forever, circling inside herself.
My other favorite thing about the net is search and find. I have often thought that in today's world, if you can teach someone to read AND comprehend what is read, they can learn anything because it is all freely available in books. At least, in our country it is freely available. Now, mostly anything one would want to know is available on the net if we can just find it. I so enjoy being able to find answers to all my questions, and I often have many questions. Friday, for some unknown reason, my new laptop decided it would not auto start when I plugged my memory card reader into the USB port. Today, I decided to try to find the problem. Searching help on my computer was no help. Searching Windows 7 auto play does not work on the net gave me a workable solution, after a a few minutes reading and comprehending. The comprehending part is important. I found some material that recommended rewriting entries in Windows registry. Don't go there. Go elsewhere and look for simpler answers. After following the steps I found and reseting the laptop, autoplay is back in play. The thing to remember about the net is that everything has a take it or leave it option. The trick is to know which option to chose.