Saturday, August 14, 2021

Trail Cam 08-14

This deer appears everyday, often by herself.  Sometimes as many as 3 deer are in a frame, but here we  have 3 racoons with her.

She doesn't seem to like the other visitors.

Several of the baby, still showing spots.

But here in the dark, I cannot see spots.  Still has to be the same fawn.

I had lots of images of that one female, and several of the fawn and her mother.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Flowers from Kathy

My friend Kathy sent me flowers today. They are beautiful.

It was 10 degrees cooler this morning compared to recent mornings. So, I walked 2 miles instead of one.

Tonight I am going to watch last night's alone episode. I went on to sleep and let it record.  Tonight I can skip the commercials.  There can't be but one or two episodes left for this season. This is the only current series I watch. Every thing else I watch is form decades past.

Not supposed to be so hot this weekend. We could sure use some rain.

I have taken 3 days off for no real reason. Back to work Monday.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Lillies, and Life.

Today we are going school shopping at Branson. Need basketball shoes for the girl and t shirts and a couple pairs of jeans for the boy. And maybe a new work jacket for me.  My office stays at 66 degrees in the summer so I have to wear a jacket or freeze.  It is so cold I am miserable at the end of the day if I don't wear a warm jacket
 Oh, woe with me.

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Did you know?

Ireland with a population of almost 5 million has had ONE Covid 19 death in 2021.  Yes, one death this year.  Over 90% of the adults (over 16 years old) are either fully vaccinated or have at least one shot. Does the Covid vaccine work? Only if you get it.  Get it?

Hummer Cam


Besides the trail cam, I got Brother's other camera working and set it up here as a hummer cam.

I am going to have to move it a little.  I get really good images of us all coming out the door, but the bird pics are dark.  I am going to try moving the fern, but also lowering the camera a bit.

I have lots of hummers, but did not get that many picks of hummers.  

At first I have the bird feeder beside the hummer feeder like this, but I just got sparrow pics with this set up. Tomorrow I will move things around and see what I get.

Trail Cam helper


I went up to check on the tail cam and a varmint had knocked to lid of the feeder. You can see it in the lower left of this image, a green circle.  Helen said it was a racoon but she might not know.  Whatever it was ate all the feed.

I got Robert to go up and help me refill it and put the lid back.  He was much better help than Sister Helen.  He did all the climbing and heavy lifting.  He is good help.