This is me and some stranger with mad cow decease that I met on a hill a couple of days ago.
And the rest of the story for Betty Jean. The bonnet and dress are for Kenzie to wear to pioneer days at school. The red headed grandgirl has not really fallen to wearing my garage sale handmedowns from Aunt Fleta.

This is the Powell homestead taken for the top of Morris Hill. Click to enlarge.

This is the four stooges. We had a great time at Patsy's. Winnie and Mike are just a crazy as the rest of us. You can't tell them from the rest of the hillbillies down here.

This is brother Gilbert and his Possum Dog. He got kicked out of the coon hunt last Saturday because she is such a good possum dog.

This is some crazy stuffed animal that Gilbert bought at a flea market somewhere and brought in here telling us his possum dog treed it then he paid $120 to have it stuffed like this. It does not even have a tail. It is certainly not a coon, but does not even look like a good possum. I think brother Gilbert makes up taller tales than any one else in the family.