Saturday, May 01, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Rain and more...

So far a half inch of rain, and a little hail.

Yesterday, George tilled the garden and then I hoed out the rows. It looks great. The hail did not seem to hurt the tomatoes.
I have had cornbread and radishes 3 times in the last week. I have lettuce and onions, but it is the radishes I like the best.

This is one of the iris I stole from Patsy last year.

George has dozens of birds on the feeders tonight. Yellow, red and blue.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
My flowers

This is a planter I fixed for the table on my deck. I bought the plants from the German's and put them in a basket I had. I found the metal tray and the water can at junk / yard sales yesterday, 75 cents for the metal tray and 25 cents for the can, I think. There is also a very small wire tea pot in the planter that I got for a quarter. This looks alright now, but in a month or so it will be beautiful. It has a red germanium in the middle, a variegated sweet potato vine, a white petunia, a lacy plant with small white flowers that I do not know the name of and probably other things I have forgotten.

If you enlarge this, you can see the yellow iris and the white plant I dug up form Patsy's place last year. The white bush is not a bridal wreath as I thought but it is another form of spirea plant. Then there are 2 roses, yellow I think, and the rose of sharon here.

This is a shrub I bought last year. It starts with a W. and it is supposed to get big and bloom all summer. In the other corner is a forsythia I got from Patsy's old yard.

This is the front steps with the small planters with red and white petunia's. In the large pot I planted red daises I bought at Wally world yesterday, and some white petunias, one of those big leaf plants that is red and green, caldium or something like that. Then I planted some mint that I got at the sale yesterday. $3 for 2 kinds of mint.
Here are my seeds, Shasta daises, black eyed susans, thyme, painted daises, dill and some other things. They are doing pretty good, but the dill is not up yet. I planted it later than the others.

This is Patsy's little pink rose. There are 2 here and one down by the lilac in the middle of the yard. I have three here, but I moved one down by the mail boxes. We will see if it lives there. These little things bloomed last year for months until frost and did not get much bigger than they are here.
To the right, is a cutting of a bleeding heart I stole at wally world yesterday. It had broken off in the storm the night before. I put rooting harmone on it and we will see if it grows. If it grows, is there anything you want me to steal for you and see if we can get it to grow?

This is some of the stuff I dug up and planted down by the light pole at the corner of the yard. I have to be careful what I plant here, because it is hard to water this far from the house. You can see on of Patsy's roses in the middle. I am not sure what color it is. Most of this I stole from Patsy.

This is a new bed I planted to the east of the deck. I have all these flowers in the garden and I wanted more space for transplants by the house. I think I will look for more edging around the yard and extend this to the end of the trailer.

This is stuff I planted by the mail boxes. Again, I do not want to have to water this often, as I will have to haul water down here. I planted Shasta Daiseys and cone flowers that I bought and iris I got for $2 yesterday. Then I have some stuff I got from my yard and the flowers I planted.

This is another view of the light pole.

These are watermelons and cantaloupes I bought yesterday. The cantaloupes must have been under the drip line, because they look rough today and the watermelons look find. I got these at Wally in Harrison. Nine seedlings for $3.50.
This is the back of the mail box in the pasture. I planted iris, rose of sharon, a piece of patsy's peony that has been growing in this pasture for 20 years.
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