Today, I do not have to go to work. I am thankful. I usually leave the house about 4:30 and I wake up somewhere between 3 and 4 am, but I do not get up until 4 or a few minutes after. Today I slept till 5 am. I am like Mama, I do not ever use an alarm clock, I just wake up when I am supposed to. If I did use an alarm, I would still wake up before it went off so I have not set an alarm clock since I started the job I have now.
Beside that, I am the very first one at work. I unlock 2 doors to get to our office each morning becasue no one else is there at that time. I can be 30 minutes late to work and no one is even there to notice. I can even be an hour or two late and it does not really matter. I am thankful to have an easy job with few unwelcomed restraints in a work place where many have labor intensive jobs with many restrictions. AND, yesterday they fixed the heat so I have heat at work. We have not had heat in our office for 2 months and when it is 20 to 32 degrees outside the office would hover around 55 degress most of the day.
It is 29 degrees this morning and should get up to around 50 today. The ice is mostly gone and with the start of March next week, we should be through with the bad winter weather for this season. It is supposed to get up to 60 degrees Monday. I am thankful.
I am going to start walking again today, if it is not raining later. It is too cold to walk right now.
Patsy sent me a link to our local library system's webpage where you can search for books they have available. I found the Berryville library had the Obama book. I may go check it out and read it this week end.
George, who has been working 7 days a week, says next week they are cutting back to a 6 day week. I am thankful..
I have always been one of those that had trouble enjoying now because I was worrying about yesterday and tomorrow. There is no need to worry about yesterday or tomorrow because both are beyond your reach. I have been somewhat successful in the last few years in letting go of worrying about yesterday. I am working on letting go of tomorrow and living in the now.