The kids were here Saturday. They spent their time racing these vehicles up and down the hallway. First the favorite racing vehicle was the yellow bus that Robert had and Hannah had the tracked thing in front here. Hannah's tracks kept hanging up and Mema was afraid she would get hurt, so I got the yellow truck Robert has here. It immediately became the favorite and Robert claimed it. Hannah would not give up the track for the bus, so I went out and got the red truck from the yard. Still, we wanted the tracked thingy. Finally they got tired and found a quieter game, but kept the track thingy til the end.
Robert has several new words. He says sho-sho for shoe, che-che for TV and cookie is anything that taste good. I am thinking they give him cookies at school. He kept asking for cookie from my fridge. Finally I had him show me the cookie. It was a tomato. He loves tomatoes much more than cookies. He also is posing for the camera now and saying cheese when you take his picture.

Hannah was not posing and does not look so great here because Mema did not feel good and did not fix her hair til it was time to go home. She looks so cute with her hair in a pony tail or pig tails.

But she is still Mema's best girl.

Here is Robert posing with his lip stuck out. He was deliberately doing this for me to take his picture.

Here he says cheese.
Son, George, came down to borrow the camera for Lane's game next Tuesday, but he forgot to take the camera. We will go up Tuesday to take the camera and if it is raining cats and dogs again, we will either just come on back home or I will sit in the truck during the game. We need pictures of the game, but I am not sure anyone else can get good pictures, so I may have to sit in the rain. Maybe I need to go buy raingear.