Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunrise over dry creek

This was yesterday about 6:30 am. It was around 60 degrees at that time. Today it is 41. Of course, today is more typical of normal November weather. Still, I like yesterday better.

Taking this picture, I was standing in our pasture below the other trailer looking west. For the last week or so. I have been seeing fog rising below the hills off in this direction in the early morning.

I did not really realize before that dry creek circles around our place from the south to north west back at the edge of where the rock quarry ends. If I look south off my deck and see fog in the distance it is probably rising off dry creek and if I look north west back behind the other trailer and see fog, it is probably rising off dry creek as it circles around on its way to Long Creek around Denver.
So, now you know.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Beautiful day in the neighborhood

It is 70 degrees at 4:30 and we are almost halfway through November. The weather has just been wonderful for the last few weeks.

I was so please to hear from Cheryl Ann today. Sometimes, the best you can do is just move on. Going back is never an option.

We got through the audits at work and things are gentler at work this week. We should not have any more audits at all until at least August of next year. That is good because I am really tired of audits and a lot of other things at work. On December 5 I will have been working for this company 22 years, this time. I still have vacation days and sick days to take before then. I am taking the week of Thanksgiving off for vacation and I think I am going to call in sick Friday. I can carry my sick days over, but Patsy says you should never count on these things. They change the rules at will. Until last year, I could arrange a 'sick' day, but they tightened up on the rules and now they say you have to actually be sick, so when I get sick of working I call in a sick day. If I don't do that, the money goes to uncle don.

Time to go fix supper now. We are having soup. I hope I can find the can opener.