Saturday, July 27, 2024

New TV

And free wifi. Neighbor son gave me his Verizon internet box, and he still pays the bill. I needed a smart TV to connect to the free to me wifi.  It was a $240 50 inch bargain at wallyworld. The only problem is most TV and movies are not what I enjoy, but free is free.

Found gift

Thursday, I took food and this plant gift to work for Marisol's birthday.  The plants were all free starters from sisters except for one I paid 25 cents for. It is not as pretty as the last one I made for work, but still pretty with lots if starters. And, I stole the pot from neighbor son. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Eliseo's first car

He is so excited, and we are so proud of him. A job, a car, adulting 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Tomatoes, tomatoes

I got lots of tomatoes. These are just the ones that were to ripe or had bad places.  I have 5 or 6 more ripe in the fridge and a plate of not so ripe on the table. I had tomatoes for lunch and tomatoes for supper.

It rained again today. Don't have to water!