Patsy is having trouble with her Google home page again. I like the plain vanilla google home page. It always has a search button. But, I also have IE 6.0 because my computer will not install 7 or 8. I think having an older browser helps protect me from some of the newer irritations all over the web.
Any, I was wondering what had happened to Patsy's google page. I think usually these things happen when the web company offers you new and improved whatever. You click and it sticks. My home page has one button at the top that says Igoogle. I clicked on that and got a google page with a button titled Look for new stuff. I quickly looked for safer button to click on. In the upper left of the screen, I saw a Classic Home link. I clicked on that and was quickly back where I started.
Patsy said google told her to push the return button on her keyboard. She did not know what the return button was. I bet a person about Patsy's age wrote those instructions. The return button was the button on an electric typewriter that would return the carriage back to the left margin so you could start a new line. A non electric typewriter, which is the kind I learned to type on, had a return lever you had to slap to return the carriage to the left. More than one person in our typing class returned the carriage with such gusto so as to make the entire carriage detach from the machine and go flying across the room. It is really funny that a company that is so much a computer company like google would use a term from the mechanical typewriter age.
Patsy, here is the link to my plain vanilla google home page.
Maybe if you click on it you will see a search button. But, maybe not. When Google gives us instructions for using a typewriter, it may be too late to turn back.
It just started raining. It is supposed to rain all night and all day tomorrow and turn cold. Fall is here.