Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am a woman of many flowers...

Yesterday, Robert came in from outside with his Easter basket full of Easter flowers.

Right away, Hannah had to go fill her basket.

Robert had lots of flowers.

But he was really more interested in posing for the camera.

Hannah was roaming far and wide looking for better flowers. I finally had to tell her she had to come back out of the weeds.

George is home and I am glad. He was a bit late getting to the office today and they had already assigned all the jobs. I think he was really glad. He was ready to come home. I guess he may go back next week, but I hope not till Monday. It is nice to have a day or two to yourself, but I really do not enjoy being by myself for days on end. I have decided when I get old I am not going to live alone. I am going to go live with Erin and Greg.

It is rainy and cold. Supposed to be cold till Tuesday and then I think it is going to be spring.

The real reason I missed George so much is I had many kids her last night. The two babies, Lane, Emmy and Emmy's friend Emily. I thought the little ones would never go to sleep. When George is here, when I get ready to go to bed, I make the babies go get in my bed with me. I go to sleep. The babies get up and Papa takes care of them. I was afraid to leave that to Lane, so I had to stay awake until at least Hannah was asleep. I think Robert was still awake, but he is not so pron to get up and roam. I am not keeping all the kids any more if George is not here to watch them while I sleep.

The beds did work out well. The girls put them in the middle of the living room floor in front of the big TV and really liked them. I have one under the bed. I am going to take the other one and put it in the RV. I can just bring it in when we need it. They are a big improvement over sleeping on the couch or the floor.

Now, I have to go window shoping and look for things to buy with the money George made this week.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I called Helen

She said the scan did not find anything. I guess that means her head is empty.
She has been feeling weak and the Dr told her to take a supplement like the athletes take. I forget what she called it. She was feeling better because the scan was good.
The babies are here. In the first picture is Emmy's new beds. When her and Lane both come to visit, he takes the bed and she has to sleep on the love seat or the floor. She is way long for the love seat already. She hangs off by over a foot. These are foam mattress from the old RV. I cut up a couple of bed spread and made covers for them. When she comes, she and her friend can sleep on these. I can store them under the bed.
The babies got Easter baskets with eggs filled with candy. The only thing is Hannah found the plastic eggs before I got them fixed. She helped. She really likes plastic eggs to play with. She also really likes chocolate candy. It was all chocolate. She is swinging the swim suit that I bought her on clearance at the end of summer. She had to try it on.
George is still in OK. He called this morning. He said the people they hired down there were told they could go at their own pace, and there pace was stop. I checked our account online and he bought something in Sallisaw this afternoon, so I guess that was where he was.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

OK today

George is in Jay, OK today. He called this morning at work. He was enjoying his job. He met a woman named Sue Poor and got her email address expecting me to email her about genealogy. I think I am not going to do that.

This is the trim with one coat of stain and one coat of sealer. Tomorrow night I will sand it and put on another coat of sealer. It is darker than I meant for it to be. It does look pretty. Maybe it is dark enough for George.

It was about 70 here today. Supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow and snow Saturday. It is March.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Prevailing Wage

First, about the boss thing. George and I have aged. At one time we argued and fought about many things. We were very different, saw things differently and had very different ideas on most things in life. I did always want to be boss, and George, like my mother, just said Ok, Ok and went ahead and did whatever he wanted. Now we each mostly just do whatever we want and rarely fight about anything. Which is not the same as being in agreement. We are having a disagreement about the trim for the back bedroom. We bought 1 by 4's like son said to do, and have to stain and seal them with that poly stuff that I can not spell. George wanted them darker than the floor, so we tried a couple of short pieces, one dark and one light. I hated the dark. It looked really fake and did not go with the floor. I still said light. He still said dark. He is gone. I am boss. When he gets home, the trim will be stained (lightly) and sealed, ready to install. I may have to get son to do that part.

George is down in OK. He left at 3 am and at 6 pm was still working. They told them when they got hired that they could only work 40 hours a week. He said now they can work all they want. I guess things are not going as planned. Who would have guessed.

I looked online today about the census hiring. Does anyone else think it is really odd that he is being paid to go hundreds of miles away to a different state to write down house addresses? Surely there are people in Tahlequah needing a job. The population is just over 14,000; just a bit larger than Harrison.

Anyway, google found this site with all the 2010 census offices and the going rate of pay for each.

Just click on a state. The pay rates range from a low of $10 to a high of $25 in Alaska. Some states have many offices, and some have only one like Alaska. Arkansas has 4. Three states had an area that paid the low $10 rate. Guess which three? I was surprised at all 3 and VERY surprised at one. George works out of the Springdale office. His rate is more than people working out of Springfield, Missouri ($10.50). That really surprised me. I thought probably New Mexico, North Dakota, Wyoming would have the lower rates of pay. I was wrong. I bet you will be wrong also.

It was cold and rainy today. Supposed to be really nice tomorrow and Friday and cold again on the week end. I have decided I am planting the spring garden the first week of April. Potatoes, onions, radishes and greens. I was really pleased with the potatoes last year. I am planting two or three rows and I am going to figure a way to store them.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sage Brush Widow

That's me. Tomorrow George goes to Tahlequah to count Indians. He will not be back until Friday or Saturday. I get to be boss while he is gone and do whatever I want.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I will explain.
We drove down to the Bufffalo River yesterday and saw this very, very, very large herd of Elk about 1 to 2 miles from Ponca on the road to Boxley Valley. There were at least a hundred in this herd, all lounging around in this one field that was not any larger than my pasture. I have read in the local paper about the farmers along the Buffalo complaining about the Elk eating up their crops. Can you imagine being a cattle farmer and having to feed a herd of 100 large animals. And, it is illegal to even try to scare them off your land.
But, they were neat to look at when they were not infringing on my livelihood. I got a lot more pictures. I really like the one where the cow is sticking her tongue out at me.
I purposely did not write anything about the pictures because I thought they would really confuse Helen. I was hoping she would think this was here at the Rock Quarry.
And, as we were coming up from Dry Creek, we caught J. R. burning off his fields.