Yesterday, Robert came in from outside with his Easter basket full of Easter flowers.

Right away, Hannah had to go fill her basket.

Robert had lots of flowers.

But he was really more interested in posing for the camera.

Hannah was roaming far and wide looking for better flowers. I finally had to tell her she had to come back out of the weeds.
George is home and I am glad. He was a bit late getting to the office today and they had already assigned all the jobs. I think he was really glad. He was ready to come home. I guess he may go back next week, but I hope not till Monday. It is nice to have a day or two to yourself, but I really do not enjoy being by myself for days on end. I have decided when I get old I am not going to live alone. I am going to go live with Erin and Greg.
It is rainy and cold. Supposed to be cold till Tuesday and then I think it is going to be spring.
The real reason I missed George so much is I had many kids her last night. The two babies, Lane, Emmy and Emmy's friend Emily. I thought the little ones would never go to sleep. When George is here, when I get ready to go to bed, I make the babies go get in my bed with me. I go to sleep. The babies get up and Papa takes care of them. I was afraid to leave that to Lane, so I had to stay awake until at least Hannah was asleep. I think Robert was still awake, but he is not so pron to get up and roam. I am not keeping all the kids any more if George is not here to watch them while I sleep.
The beds did work out well. The girls put them in the middle of the living room floor in front of the big TV and really liked them. I have one under the bed. I am going to take the other one and put it in the RV. I can just bring it in when we need it. They are a big improvement over sleeping on the couch or the floor.
Now, I have to go window shoping and look for things to buy with the money George made this week.