And more on the way.... Maybe.
Helen wanted to go see Patsy and Barb today, but I have to go to the DR and then to therapy so she decided to walk. She was going to stop by brothers and see if he was busy hoping he would take her. I suggested she call him first, but she said when then got here from the airport he did not even slow down when passing by his house and then when he got here to our house he honked for someone to come out and get her. He was sorta out of luck there because there was only the crip and BIL here. Crip did not here them honk and BIL can not do things without planing 2 days in advance. No one told him brother might want help getting the 2 tons of luggage out of the truck so he remained in place playing cards on the computer. When I realized they were here, I told him he had company and had to come into the living room or he would have stayed playing cards for another hour. So, because of that experience, Sister Helen did not want to warn brother Clayton that she was coming by expecting a ride because she was sure he would already be gone on some false errand by the time she got to his house.
Tonight, Gilbert is coming by and Friday we are going to go to Erin's for lunch. Not sure what we will do tomorrow.
Betty, you need to call tonight as Helen did not understand before that Laura would not get to come up at all. Helen is now looking for a ride to Laura's house. I told her me and George or Clayton would take her, but she is looking for something more certain. Call tonight and we will see what arrangements we need to make.
Helen looks great and is feeling very good. We stayed up till midnight last night, so I am thinking I will need to go to bed a dark thirty tonight.
Oh, yes, and my knee is much better.