Me and Patsy, (well, that should be Patsy and I), have been trying to root our rose of sharon cuttings in willow water. Son Junior says that Patsy just made up the whole willow water thingy to get me to do stupid things. Anyway, our willow water rose of sharon cuttings are not progessing very well. I do have a few cuttings that have lost all their leaves and are now sending out new leaves so maybe it will work. As a backup, Patsy wanted me to come over by her place and dig a rose of sharon out of the creek gravel down by her slab. I went over there today, but it was way too large to dig up, over 2 inches in diameter at the ground. And the dogs at the house right by the slab did not like me. I got a few marigolds at Patsy's but I am not sure they are going to make it. Because I did not get them back in the ground right away.
When I left Patsy's I drove up 103 to 86 highway to a vacant house I know of over by Twin Islands. There I dug up about a dozen rose of sharon sprouts, 6 forthisas, a couple of peonias and a couple of other things that I do not know what they are. I planted the forthisas in just 2 locations, and the rose of sharons I planted along the front of the trailor saving one to put under my humming bird feeder. I offered to share with Patsy but she declined. The rose of sharon above is the largest one I got, being about 4 feet tall. I got a couple that are about 3 feet tall and the rest are between 2 and 3 feet tall. I think if I water them all they will do fine.

This is a plant I dug up at that vacant house. It was growing about 12 to 18 inches tall all around the row of shrubs in front of this house. Here it is wilted down, but where I got it, the 'leaves' all stick straight out from the stem. I have never seen anything like it. I think they will survive because they were thriving where they were with no care at all for the last 10 years or so.
I did not take any pictures there because I had Emmy with me and she kept complaining and wanting to go. I may go back next weekend and take my looopers so I can cut away some of the rose stems and maybe dig up some roses. The rose canes had grown out so much that I could not get near the center to see if I could dig a sprout or two up.

These are coleus plants that I swiped from the hanging baskets on the square at Harrison Saturday. I hated the last two days of the computer classes so much that I decided to do something I enjoy Saturday and went junking. I did not buy much but I did find a goose neck hoe for $6 at the same place I got my grubbing hoe. I need a chopping hoe to keep the grass from growing through my gravel. I am really liking the gravel in place of grass around my house.
Helen may recognize this flower pot when she gets home from her visit with the red headed girl and has time to look at blogs. Helen gave me two big crock type bowls when I was in AZ. One is really large. I use it once in a while as a bowl, but it sits on my table all the time and I put snakes (I meant SNACKS, but this mistype is so funny I have to leave it) for George and the grandkids in it. It works great for that. This one is scooped in on one side. You are supposed to use that space to grasp the bowl like a handle when you pour the bowl contents out the spout. The concept does not work if you have more than an inch of whatever in the bowl because you cannot get a good grasp of the bowl without sticking your hand into the contents. I have never used it as a bowl so it just sat on the shelf until now. Now, it is a flower pot. Many Gifts from the Gods this week. Hope the poleeze do not come looking for these gifts.