Monday, February 08, 2010
Sunday, February 07, 2010

This is the coffee table nephew Sammy made in high school and gave to Mama. I have it stained and just need to put on a clear top coat to protect it.

This is one of the set of 2 end tables nephew Gary made for me over 15 years ago.

This is the door to the matching end table to the one above, that nephew Greg is going to put back together for me so that I can have matching maple tables in my new living room when we get it finished.
The thingy the TV sits on is maple and a I have a set of 3 stacking tables that are maple. I had thought I might just paint all this furniture the same color to get it to match. But, after refinishing the coffee table, it pretty much all looks the same now.
I have a little table with drawers that belonged to Debbie. I may try to take the finish off it and re-do it a lighter color.
The lamp by the table is my reading lamp. I like it for reading, but it is a pain to reach up and turn it on. I can not reach the switch from a sitting position. I found screw in sockets for metal lamps on the Internet that make touch-on lamps of ordinary metal lamps. I ordered two, but in installing them, I broke one. Not sure what broke, but at first it worked and now it does not. Still, this one works and I really like it. I just touch the lamp poll and the light comes on. It also makes a 3 way light out of any light bulb. With shipping they were $15 each which was not too bad. But, since I broke one, my one actually cost $30. Just the same, I think it is a good deal because I really like being able to turn the light on without getting up.
I wonder if I suggested it, could I get Wal-Mart to sell these? All that wonderful stuff you see on TV, that is sold only on TV you can get at Wal-Mart for half the TV price. Maybe I could get them to sell touch-on light conversion kits.
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