I went to the Berryville library and got these books.
A primate’s Memory by Robert M. Sapolsky, some thing about life among the baboons
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, an American Controversy by Annette Gordon-Reed
Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat about wolfs in Alaska, I think
Larry’s Kidney by Daniel Asa Rose, a true story about going to china to get a kidney, I think
The Lost, a search for six of six million by Daniel Mendelsohn, about trying to find out what happened to his Jewish family during WWII, I think
Harry S. Truman by Robert Dallek, about a Missouri Democrat, I think
Dangerous Beauty, by Mark C. Ross, life and death in Africa, true stories from a safari guide
The private world of Tasha Tudor, about an old woman in Vermont or Conn., I think but I like her photo on the front.
I am going to read this weekend. I am starting with the Jefferson book. I got one by this author last week named The Hemings of Monticello. I enjoyed reading it. I hope there is at least two of these I will like. I bet Helen would like to read some of these. I will let you know about the good, bad and ugly.