Clayton has a new BlogSpot,
But doesn't know Squat...
Since Brother does not have to go down this road at 4 am every morning anymore, he is exploring new roads. One road let him to the information highway by way of a new computer. His Sweetest Sister has set him up a blogspot and given him a new identy. Sweetness has not told brother about the blog spot as yet, but he may get a hint when he gets the Google email. Maybe tomorrow Sweetness will stop by on the way down this road and show him the ropes with the blog, or maybe Sweetness will just keep posting wonderfully insightful messages on his blog. You all need to go over and post comments telling him about his Sweetest Sister. We could all add his link to our own blogs. Anyway, go visit the Chicken Man On Fire!!!!!!!!!!
http://deadchickenman.blogspot.com/ with his new computer....