Monday, November 14, 2016

Betty's kind of dear...

Helen's stuff for sale...

Seeing and being seen

Saturday I ran around with Sister Helen all over hill and dale.  We ran into these two on the big GF square. 

The two of us have some new restaurant reviews. If you eat on the square in GF, get only their soup or their deserts.  Their other food is a bit subpar.

In the big town of Harrison, do not eat a Dixie Café.  It is popular, but the food is not up to our standards. 

As for me,  I think a roasted chicken for the w mart deli is hard to beat.

While Sister is improving on her house, I have been resting.  The inside of my house needs a new paint job, hint hint.

Brother and his wife have been hunting wildlife on our acres all week end with no success.  I think they are going to try again today.

Our Red should be having babies very soon.  I have them all scheduled to kid by Dec 01.  They do not read too well, so maybe they do not know the schedule.