This is the only photo I have ever seen of Aunt Oma and her husband. I have one or two of Oma taken around 1911/12, but this is the only one I have seen of her after she moved to Oklahoma. She died in 1955. I can remember Grandma talking about Sister Oma with love and respect. I am really pleased to get this picture from Winnie.

I really enjoyed having cousin Winnie here. I got to scan several photos including this one of Floyd and a matched pair of mules.
I sure hope Winnie made it home alright. I was not impressed with her driving ability. When we drove into town today, we saw someone had mowed over the stop sign at the end of our Douglas Road at the edge of town. I hope it was not Winnie. If it were not for the fact that they were already dead and buried, we would have been attending a few more funerals for the people she ran over at the 3 cemeteries we visited while she was here.