Saturday, September 16, 2023

On the road...


I walked at sunrise this morning then took off to Sister Betty's.  So far so good.  Toorrow we head down I40 to Tennessee. We are excited to start.

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Expert


I start my vacation trip tomorrow, so today I was supposed to clean my car. The cleaning expert next door decided she would do it.  It took her hours, whereas I would have been done in 30 minutes or so, but it is beautifully clean and smells wonderful.  Tomorrow I go to Sister Betty's and Sunday we take off for Tennessee.  I think we will have a wonderful time.

I took my regular 3 mile weekend walk early this morning.  I don't know if anyone else will miss me or not, but the dogs sure will. They love our walks.

We went to the blue gate.

The big white dog was out this morning when we passed the Stone place.  Usually they are all behind the fence. It ran at our dogs but I yelled and it turned around and went home.  It is a good thing becasue the little white dog would have started a fight, and lost.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cpap & Eye Surgery

Dates to remember. I got my cpap machine May 6 2021 and had cataract surgery on July 15, 2020. Good to know.  And, how do I know? Causei said so on the blog.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

A long row to hoe...


Today I started my walk just before 7 am.  I walked to the bottom of the far side of Meek Hill.  Home back behind the trees, obscured by the fog.

The dogs are always so excied to go walking.  When I come out the back door, they start hopping aournd.  If I go to the car, they looked all dejected. Grey dog has broken a toe nail, and is favoring her left front paw some.  It should be all better in a few days. 

Shell we climb over the gate and take the short cut thru the fields?  I have gone that route a couple of times.  I actually took longer than going the long way by the road.

And hoeing that row.  I used to love watching Tim Russert on Meet The Press.  He was always so enthusiatic about politics.  He died in June of 2008.  I always thought it was such a shame he did not get to see Obama come to the Presidency  Chuck Todd took over Meet The Press after Russet's death.  Today was Chuck Todd's last broadcast hosting that program.  Kristen Welker will now hoe Tim's row. A fitting followup to Tim's legacy.


Helen and I went to Betty's.  We had a great time. On the way down at Harrison, we entered a balloon field. Every year Harrison hosts a hot air balloon event.  I think it sounds interesting, but I am not a crowd person. Three Sisters is crowd enough for me.