Fifty years ago today, the little guy in my lap was born. Greg and I were staying with Mom and Day and George was in El Paso at Fort Bliss. Daddy took me to the hospital around 10 that morning. I thougt it would be a while before the baby was born, but It was February and Daddy was afraid of the weather, so he said we need to go on to the hospital. I guess I called George telling him I was going to the hospital, or maybe Daddy called him.
It was sometime in the afternoon, I think around 4 when Junior finally arrived. I sent Daddy to call George, but he said they could not find him at the barracks. I made him try to call a couple more times, but they still could not find him. I was getting a bit upset about not being about to tell him we had another boy. Remember, way back 50 years ago, you did not know until the baby arrived if you were getting a boy or girl. Finally, late in the day, George came walking into the hospital where we were. He had stated to Arkansas as soon as he got the first call, but did not call to inform anyone here. Anyway, all was well and we had two fine boys.