Sunday, December 05, 2010

Home again, Home again, Clickity Clack

The baby girl came home yesterday, so we took the boy to his Mommy. He had a good time and is probably a bit spoiled, but he was getting worried about no Mommy. Here he is shopping.

Hannah is doing good. I took her picture in the car, but Papa did not like it and does not want it posted. I thought she looked pretty good considering, but it was the first time Papa had seen her since last week.

This is me and my Christmas stuff. I took this myself with setting my camera on delayed action. I am trying to get used to using the laptop without the wireless mouse. Today is the first time I have had to play with it. I got the card reader installed and got it to work and get pictures from my camera. I installed the picture editing program that came with my camera. As I use it I think I will like it more. I still really hate the flat keyboard. I think I can get used to the mouse easier than the non standard keyboard.

Then, in the background is my new TV. I wanted a bigger TV for my bedroom. This is a 42 inch Sanyo. We really need to put it in the living room but we had so much trouble getting it to work, we are not up to moving it right now. At least it is very light.

If Lane is reading this, I want him to know that Grandma has spent all her Christmas money on herself and there is nothing left for anyone over 10 years old.


Galla Creek said...

Glad the kids are home. I bet George was a little tired of the boy sitting.

I am thinking about buying myself a barn for christmas. I need one.

Sunshine said...

Glad baby Girl is home!

patsy said...

poor Lane last in line because he is the oldest. i certainly know how that is Lane, your grandma and all of her brothers and sisters alway were placed ahead of me. They always got the best of every thing and I was lucky to get the north piece of as chicken flying south.
you know that is the reason she spent all that money on her self she has always had her way. if I were you I would just run away, from home.