Thursday, November 25, 2010

Going south...

Geese escaping in front of the cold. It blew in rain last night and is supposed to get really cold today and tonight, but right now my theo meter says 41. And, this is my own pictures of birds gong over the elm tree Tuesday morning.

My newly painted bedroom. George got the walls around the new windows completed 2 days ago and Tuesday I got the painting completed. See the BIG mirror on my dresser? That is the mirror that was on the dressing table. George took the dressing table apart and made two end tables. You can see one of them beside the bed here. He attached the big mirror to the dresser and it looks like they were made for each other. I like this much better. The dressing table was just a junk catcher.

This is a view from the doorway.

I cooked pumpkin pies and made Hannah's birthday cup cakes yesterday and made George some fudge. The turkey is in the oven. I still have to make dressing and potatoes. I am not making home made bread. I have a can of crescent rolls and a package of frozen rolls. I am not sure yet which I will cook, but I am not making my home made rolls. Why? Because I do not want to. I think I will make my Waldorf salad because I really like it even though no one else ever eats any. I will just make a one apple salad. Mashed potatoes and a can of green beans will finish the menu. I do have a can of cranberry sauce, left from last year. Sometimes I forget the cranberry sauce. I am usually the only one that uses it. My family mostly just eats the turkey, dressing, potatoes and bread. I am the only one that goes for deserts.

I am going shopping early tomorrow and then on to get the babies. Hannah's birthday is December 2nd, so we will have her party here Friday when she gets here. I want to have the table decorated and the presents out when she comes in, so I have to have the cup cakes ready today.

I asked George if he wanted to go shopping with me tomorrow, but he declined the invitation. I think that means I can spend the entire $300 on me.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Galla Creek said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you. Still warm here...cold not here yet but on the way. Room looks good.

Sister--Helen said...

Happy Thanksgiving...the room looks good...