Mama, about age 4 years...

Grandma, Irene Ilo Thomas Gaddy...

Myrtle Mae Kinzer Thomas, our great grandmother, on the left and her sister Cora on the right.

Phebe Ann Cox Kinzer, our great grandmother and her granddaugher Leona Thomas Gaddy, our Grandma Gaddy's sister.
I had found material that Phebe's Cox family were Quakers, Friends from Indiana and before that North Carolina. Her mother was Hannah Vickery, daughter of Sampson Vickery and Mary Gifford of Guliford Co. North Carolina. Mary Gifford was a daughter of Jonathan Nathan Gifford and Eunice Beard. This is as far as I had gotten until Betty got me to wondering where our mtDNA might take us.
Eunice Beard is a daugher of Richard Beard and Eunice Macy. Eunice Macy is a daughter of Jazeb Macy and Sarah Starbuck. Sarah Starbuck is a daugher of Jethro Starbuck and Dorcas Gayer. Dorcas was a daughter of William Gayer and Dorcas Starbuck. Dorcas Starbuck was a daughter of Edward Starbuck and Katherine Reynolds. All these ancestors were active Quakers, and before Eunice Beard came to North Caroline with her husband they all lived on Nantuck Island, MA.
Edward Starbuck and Katherine were some of the first settlers on Nantucket and Alexander Starbuck wrote a history of Nantucket as I found referenced here.
http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pjmpjm&id=I9196Nantucket Genealogies. Excerpted from The History of Nantucket County, Island, and Town, Including Genealogies of First Settlers. Alexander Starbuck. Softcover, (1924), repr. 2003, New, Index, 199 pp.The island of Nantucket was settled in the 1640s by English Puritans who had grown discontented with the rule of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. This work consists of detailed genealogies of the majority of the First Purchasers of Nantucket (the original owners of the island, as they were called). It is excerpted from Alexander Starbuck's much longer History of Nantucket County, Island, and Town, constituting the final 200 pages of that opus. The volume begins with biographical sketches of the First Purchasers, in which the author explains to what extent each man figured in Nantucket's British beginnings and gives an account of that pioneer's immediate family and the circumstances of his death. The First Purchasers included: Thomas Macy, Benjamin Coffin, Tristram Coffin, Edward Starbuck, Richard Swain, William Bunker, John Swain, Thomas Barnard, Robert Barnard, Christopher Hussey, Thomas Mayhew, Peter Coffin, Stephen Greenleaf, William Pile, Robert Pike, Tristram Coffin, Jr., James Coffin, Thomas Coleman, Nathaniel Starbuck, Thomas Look, and John Smith. Not every one of the First Purchasers actually settled on Nantucket, though a majority did so. Even so, many of these founders were well acquainted with one another and, in a number of instances, were connected through intermarriage as well. These relationships are clearly established by Mr. Starbuck's genealogies of the following founders from their origins in England through four or five generations to the eve of the American Revolution and beyond: Barnard, Bunker, Coffin, Coleman, Folger, Hussey, Macy, Starbuck, Swain, and Worth.Repository:
Name: New England Historic Genealogical SocietyBoston, MA 02116U. S. A.
There is a short Starbuck history here
http://www.billputman.com/Starbuck.pdfYou can search for Edward Starbuck and Thomas Macy and find much reading about our Mama's family including Google Books.
Now, I think maybe Patsy and Betty are related to John McCain. You know he is always referring to 'My Friends'...