Thursday, October 02, 2008

YDNA 12 Marker Results Are IN!!!!!!!!!

This is JUST the 12 marker results. We will have 37 marker results by about the end of October. There were no exact 12 marker matches in th Powell Y-DNA group. This is our Y-DNA in the first row. The other rows are other Powell groups from the Powell Y-DNA group here

That match us in 11 or the 12 marker test. In marker 439, we are 11 and these others are 12. Then the one from Wales is off on 2 markers, meaning we match 10 of 12. The 12 marker test really tells us very little, but when we get the other marker results, if we match in most of any of these, we will have more of a clue.

Right now, we are almost clueless.

This is the chart from the Powell DNA page, showing how it looks. We will be added, I think, somewhere in this group that starts with 13, 23 and ends in 29 for the 12th marker. If you go to the Powell link above, you can see the ancestors for this group.

This is the Haplo map from the family tree DNA page. We are R1b1b2. There are no names on the countries on this map, but if I remember right, R1b1b2 ends in France here. That does not mean we came from France to America. The 12 maker matches (well, 11 of 12) for our surname indicate we came from England just like we thought.

I have went to the family tree DNA page and studied what this 11 of 12 marker match means. It says, if you match 11 of 12 in a surname gourp, it means you have a 50% chance of a common ancestor in the last 17 generations, a 90% change of a common ancestor in the last 39 generations, and a 95% chance of a common ancestor in the last 47 generations. Which does not really tell us much other than that we likely came from England or Wales as we thought.

I really, really hope we get a close match on the 37 marker test......

The chart with the probability % is here

These are the Powells that we match 11 of 12 from the Powell DNA page.

This one is a WilliamPowell of VA!!!!

This one is a Poe that went to Australia

George Washington Powell, b. 1847 AL, d. 1900-1910 OK
But it is the line of Jim Barrett that is administrator of the Powell DNA project.

We match 10 of 12 on this one

You can go to the Powell DNA page it find out more about some of these.


Sister--Helen said...

Oh I am so excited...So glad you posted the results....I'll bet Clayton was just pleased as punch also...

Galla Creek said...

Well, one thing I KNOW
This I am!!