Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No post for three weeks

and then she said....

Helen does not understand the subtleties of journalism.

I am so glad my computer mouse is working again. It was very irritating to try to do anything on the computer with the mouse going off in its own direction.

The only wood stove we have is in George's shop, but it is a dandy. George and Greg made it from a kit (door, pipe opening, and lid), a metal barrel that I think the paid $7 for and scrap metal they had on hand for the front, back and legs. It makes a wonderful shop heater.

George's wood splitter on the back of the tractor. He borrowed it from Frank Marr but I think we are going to buy it from him. It is sure easier than splitting wood with and axe.

Wood, cut and split in the last 2 days.

Good Arkansas oak fire wood. I think the going rate for firewood here is $35 a rick now, but George is just cutting it for his shop.


Galla Creek said...

It will nice and cozy in that shop all winter. Now George can saw up all those trees he pushed over with the new tractor.

Sister--Helen said...

man could I use that stove and wood...i will have to take a picture of kris shrinking wood pile and the fire places...

Sister--Helen said...

I just went and took a picture of the fire places and the SMALL shrinking fire wood....Yesterday Darrel seen a cord of wood on a truck for 180....he hould have bought it...I am not sure kris can keep a fire going...It is a job...I had forgotten...they have central heat but you have to heat the whole house you can't shut off the down stairs and just heat the top floor or vise versa.. you can do that with the stoves..last year to heat this house was 400 a month and they did not have 4 kids leaving doors open... It is a really nice older custom home...flip a switch and the bathroom heats while you are in the tub...They have a ton of fruit and nut trees...