Saturday, December 20, 2008

Two Angels

And the Ice Cream Monster.
The babies are here today. Angels for now, but when they wake all all bets are off.
George is breathing better and my knee is much better. I am thinking it is going to heal afterall.
George cooked us a ham yesterday while I went to pick up the babies. It was a first for him. He did a very good job. I may make bread to go with it today since Jr. and the big kids will be here today. I may have to go buy Ice Cream for the Ice Cream Monster. Ice Cream is a favorite for Em and Grandpa.
Right now everyone except me is asleep, so we are all at peace.
And Helen, what is this about not ever meeting a dead person you liked? Exactly how many dead people have you met lately?


patsy said...

the babies are sweet.

Sister--Helen said...

Fleta, You and Betty introduce me to dead people all of the time!!!

Sister--Helen said...

you have a yellow quilt with the same backing that Mom put on one of mine....mine was made in 73

Galla Creek said...

Hey, I love my Garretson page and am so glad I can update it with new dead people. Angles unaware.