Sunday, June 03, 2007

Married 12 years

But, I never can remember if it is June 2nd, 3rd or 4th. They were married on the first Saturday in June, 1995. I have it as June 3rd in my family tree program, but I was not sure if that was correct. So, here
is a little calculator that tells me that June 3, 1995 was Saturday. But, by next year I will have forgetten again. They went on a a dinner cruse on the Branson Bell. They had a good time.


Anonymous said...

Erin and I came to the wedding. It was at a nice little church. She had a pretty dress and he was handsome. Sis 3

Sister--Fleta said...

I don't remember you being there. The wedding was really nice and she was beautiful. Junior was so horribly nervious. I have never seen him like that before or since. I am sure the reason I don't remember who was there is that I was so worried about the child that was coming. If I had been a little smater then, I would have known that the child was the best thing that would ever happen in our lives.

Erin said...

i saw someone i recognized at the fina station today... i was sitting in the truck and greg was inside paying... after the familar face drove away, i realized that was my cousin! when greg got back to the truck i felt like saying hurry up i want to catch up with them -- so i can say hi!! but i didn't.

Sister--Fleta said...

Don't feel bad about not recognizing him right away. He probably would not know you at first glance either, but he would have talked you head off if he had seen you.