Friday, June 08, 2007

Chickens, Dead People and Books

Three of the sisters have several interests in common. But, this sister is not much interested in the details of raising chickens. I actually am more interested in dead chicken fried in a skillet than in raising live chickens. But, then, I also have an inordinate interest in my dead relatives, and sometimes would just as soon my living relatives would leave me alone, or drop dead, in which case I would find them of greater interest. I even get engrossed in the relatives of my relatives, as in Patsy's inlaws.

Just a few weeks ago, I found that Patsy's kids great-great grandfather rode with Quantrill's raiders during a late uprising. I searched online and found that their names appeared in a book titled Quantrills's Thieves. Betty found the book online and bought it. She said it was very interesting. I talked her into bringing the book to us when she came for sister's chickens, then I slipped away from work, met her at Chicken Ridge and snatched the book from Patsy before she had a chance to even look at it. Not that Patsy was much interested in the book anyway.

As she was making her get away with Sister Patsy's chickens, Betty also took several books I had loaned to Patsy. I don't think Patsy much liked any of the books I had loaned her, but, tonight, Sister Betty is devoring my books. She has finished two and started on a third. So far, her thoughts on these books are much the same as mine and she is greatly enjoying the read.

Alas, I have not found the Quantrill book of much interest. The parts about Patsy's in-laws has not added to what I already knew of them, and the part about Quantrill and his exploits is thin reading. I like a little more historical detail in my historical reading.

So, Sister Betty would be right at home in her book of Quantrill's Thieves she brought to us. She has escaped down the ridge into the lowlands with the best of Patsy's chickens, the best of my books and left us with one sorry excuse for a history book. I am never trading with her again. Clayton better go lock up his turkeys cause she will probably be back after them next week and bring one of those worthless yepping fiests to trade.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I enjoyed the bios on the men most of all. Went to rootsweb and looked for some of them...I know I am weird in what I find interesting.

I must get back to the mother daughter book. tata