Saturday, February 16, 2008


Patsy has a post about NASA planing to shoot down a satalite that is going to crash to earth in March. NASA's story is that there is dangerous fuel aboard this thing that could harm people if it hit them on the head. I am sure that it true, but the if is a very big
. I have never heard of a satalite falling to earth and hurting someone. It may have happened, but, I doubt it or NASA would have mentioned that when trying to justify shooting at this bus in the sky, and they did not. This is not the first satalite to fall from the sky, nor is it the first attempt to shoot down a satalite. China recently shot a satalite or some similar object from the sky, (google it if you want to know, it may not have been a satalite, but they made a similar shot as NASA is planing). Our goverment protested China's actions with sincere heartfelt objections at that time becaue China was testing an anti-rocket weapon. But, NASA is not testing the weapon they are intending to use for this shot. Unlike China, NASA has the lofty goal of protecting the human race from a dangerous object falling from space. Do you think the Chinese thought maybe someday there might be a dangerous object coming from space toward their people?

You know what is so scary about this: The DECIDER. You know who the decider is don't you? Mr. George W. Bush. To me that is scary because I do not trust him to make this decsion. That is also very sad, becasue I really do not even trust him to be capable of understanding the situation and making an informed decision on the true facts. Never mind that I do not agree with his political opinions, even if the decision is not political on his part, I do not think he is capable of acessing a situation and putting his personal politics aside to come to a decision for the good of the country or the world. And he is the decider. He told us so. He is the most important person in the world, in his view, and he makes all his decisions from that perspective. He will shot the rocket from the sky becasue he wants to and the true facts will not deter him from his mission.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Too bad it can't fall on the bushwacker's head.