Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Old Woman and her Computer

Tell the truth, would we have ever in our wildest dreams thought that someday Sister Patsy would be know far and wide as the Old Woman with the Computer. Who would have thought that the sisters would be turning to the Old Sister for help with computer problems. Who would have ever thought that she would learn how to turn a computer on, or even want to. And then, she got us all started on this bloggety blog thing.

I have to admit that even though I enjoyed reading her blog, I never thought I would do this myself, but I do, just not as intense as she does. And she goes all over the web reading blogs from all over the world and making new friends. I have tried this a little, but usually do not find that much of interest outside our family blogs, certainly I can not get into the chicken blogs the way she does, but I have recently found a couple of blogs from England (by following posts on other sisters blogs) that are interesting.

Here is one
right now he is featuring bird pictures, but I like it the best when he posts pics of the countryside around where he lives in England.

And here is his friend Peter
His scenery photos are wonderful, but I like his odd prespective on the little things.

Before Patsy got me started on this, I had never even considered looking at a blog, let along making one of my own. I wonder what wild things she will get us into next.


Sister--Helen said...

It is amazing....she just helped me with Picasa the other day.....she sent me all of this info to read....which I could not desifer because of chemo brain....but she did point me in the right direction and got it fixed....Amazing for a old STUPID woman isn't she......

Galla Creek said...

Patsy has lived an amazing life. Lots of hard work and sorrow...but she does not take a grain of sympathy for anything in her life. She is a battle-er.

patsy said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe she is a battleax.
