Saturday, February 16, 2008


This is a quilt Mama made for me probalby over 30 years ago. I have 3 others about like this. They are all worn and tattered, like this one, because I use them all the time, and all full of memories. The blue print was one of mama's dresses. I think the red print with the white and blue flowers was once a cover for her rocking chairs.

This is a quilt Mama made for Jr. The red was one of Debbie's outfits. The light purple was one of Mama's dresses. The orange I remember seeing but not what it was used for. She made one for Jr and one for Greg when they were about 8 or 9 years old. Greg's is gone, but we use this one very day.

I am going to use this to make quilts for my littlest grandchildren. The pink is for Hannah and the red and blue is for Robert. The strips will go on Hannah's and Roberts will have something red or blue or both. They will be very warm casue this is fleece. I wanted fannel for the backing but could not find any I really liked. They will be full sized quilts becase the fleece is very wide. I was going to piece the tops but I do not like to piece so I think I will just use one piece of material for the top. If Mama was here, she would piece the top for me. Maybe 30 years from now, my babies will still have these quilts Grandma made.


Galla Creek said...

Piece the tops please.

Patty said...

Quilting is almost a lost art. My Mother use to set up quilting frames in their large living room and she would work on quilts in the winter time. She made me one for my 50th birthday. It's called the bow tie, it's large enough for a double bed and then some. It's beautiful and very colorful, but if she had asked me, I would rather have had another design she use to make, and I believe she ended up giving that one to Dad for his bed. It had scalloped sides and was light colors that looked like tulips. The bow tie has a lot of colors and the main color is red. But oh the stitches she has in it. All done by hand.

patsy said...

the red and black strip is a top mother made for me. i had her make me some tops to work in in 83 and that is one.