Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Then & Now

Maybe I won't have to tell Helen where this was taken.


Galla Creek said...

Debbie is so skinny. Remember Daddy brought Cocoa home in the back seat of a car. He got him from Mr. Hopper...wasn't it.

patsy said...

guess not.

Sister--Helen said...

Mr Hopper brought him to us in his stationwagon...He was so small. that night Daddy took him in the house and made him lay down at the foot of his bed...he did tricks....Mama had a fit...Mr Hopper had bought him for his kids but he was too mean for him to keep and he only had 1 testicle...they both thought he was full grown...come to find out he was just a baby...He grew a great deal more and dropped both testies then daddy fixed him....he was not so mean after that... Beverlyn Hopper was just a year older than me and it was her horse... She had no idea what she missed by not having him...I was about 5 or 6 when daddy got him....I must have been about 11 in this picture judging from the size of Gilbert..
Doesn't Gilbert look so sweet in this picture....

Galla Creek said...

Gilbert looks so sweet...but he wasn' really he was. teehee

Galla Creek said...

Fleta, if I got Patsy a new computer for Xmas would you set it up for her. It would have that Vista crap I don't know if she would want it.

Anonymous said...

She does not need a new computer. The one she has is working just fine. What she needs is to tell Janet to keep her paws off the computer.

Sweetness Herself

Sister--Helen said...

The house sure looks different now....I remember the first time I walked in it after Clayton re did it....I hated it. It looked so different....I stood there a minute and I thought, "My Mama would love this house. She would love the way Clayton had changed it. Every thing is so clean...." After that I really loved it.....

Galla Creek said...

I think Helen is right...Mom would be tickled to death with the new look of her house.

We will wait until Pat's computer completly dies...then I promise to get her a new one.

It's Friday and I am glad. I have coughed my way through an entire week. I am still coughing.

Everyone at school says...I told you not to take that flu shot. Everytime I take on I get sick. i ahve been sick for 2 weeks I hope it is about over. I took the cough medicine last night...4 times what I was supposed to but I was able to sleep most of the night.

Sister--Helen said...

I remember about 12 years ago I got sick in Oct and did not get better till March....Missy will remember, she was a Sr that year and had to buy all of my Christmas presents...I coughed all of the time ...I had Phenomena and the doc almost never got me over it..I had 4 rounds of steriods and many rounds of antibotics...and I swigged codine cough medicine all of the time...I always said I was coughing up a lung and several years I do have a tear in my left lung and I am sure it was from then... It was a very ughy cough...people ran when they heard me cough...You might try going to the doctor.....just a thought.....

Galla Creek said...

Oh, the, I don't think I will go...I will go to Walgreens and buy more vicks cough syrup! teehee

Anonymous said...

I think Clayton IS Mom...

Sweetness Herself

Sister--Helen said...

Does he just sat and rest his eyes a lot now that he is retired....