Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Beaver Dam

On Dry Creek, not White River. Actually, there are two dams in the picture. That little line at the end of the water in the top part of the picture, is another dam just like the one in the middle.


Galla Creek said...

Those beaver really are working hard to fix you a dam like the one I have on Galla Creek. Yours is prettier.

Sister--Helen said...

they have it totally blocked off don't they...I think you need to wade out there and tear it down.... gives new meaning to 'busy as a beaver!'

Anonymous said...

There were two dams that I saw, and they both went bank to bank. I would not break up their dam. I am not THAT mean. I did step out onto one to see if it would help me get across the creek without getting my tootsies wet. It was very mushy and would not even hold up skinny George let alone Sweetness Itself.