Wednesday, March 20, 2019


I was looking for something a few days ago that I did not find, but I did find a pack of old photos that I looked at.  I decided to take a pic of a pic with the camera.

This says August 62,  These are at least some of the cows Daddy sold in the sale.  I do not remember ever seeing this picture.  It was in with Patsy's pictures,

These say 54-55 and 55-56,  I have always said I stared school in 1954,  This is my second and third grad pictures, so I started school in 1953,

This is Daddy and Grandpa Gaddy.  The back says 1943,  I think I remember Mama saying this was taken at the Springfield Zoo right before Daddy went in the Navy.  But then I thought I started school in 1953.  Does Daddy look like anyone we know?

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