Sunday, March 17, 2019



  1. happening by accident or chance rather than design.
    "the similarity between the paintings may not be simply fortuitous"

It is fortuitous that I have most all my 'stuff' set up on my new computer, email, web pages, banking, dropbox  and the other things that I really need to make the new computer work for me.  And then, this am, I looked at the last updates for our genealogy web sites on the old laptop, plus on the 1T backup drive Sister Helen so generously gifted me.  I think the genealogy files on the back up are as current as I have.  Then, as I will looking around on the backup drive, the old laptop went black. It has many problems that make it hard to use, but the most ominous, that I cannot handle by myself is a reoccurring short  between the screen and the computer. It has done this before and eventually, as I peck around on the keyboard and the screen it will come alive.  Even if it never comes back, I have now copied most of what I want from the backup to the new computer, and if I missed anything I want, it will be on the backup to get later.

I even copied all my music over.  Since I pay for the net by the gallon, I do not stream music from the web. And, I have copies of all the grave marker pics I took in Carroll County. I have several full cemetery photos that are no long available on the net since our Carroll County site disappeared for the second time last fall.  I am trying to get Ancestry to restore it again, but am not optimistic.  I have a site at rootsweb that I can use.  I just have to rebuild the site.  That is really the main reason I wanted a new computer.  I am well please with my fortuitous decision and timing.

And, I have all my old pictures, plus both phone camera pictures.  This am I took a few pics of the goats with my new camera and when I inserted the card it had only the new pictures ready for transfer in a few seconds.  A big improvement over what I had.

These were taken with the new camera I bought for the Japan trip.  It takes good photos, but does not have an eye piece viewer.  I cannot see the display screen on the camera in the sunlight because my glasses darken so much.  It is literally a point and shoot in my hands outside. 

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