Saturday, March 05, 2016

We're in the money now...

Patches had three babies.  The brown one is a billy, other two nannies.  She had them just before dark, just like Little Red.  Our herd is now 16.

The billy is going to be Jimmy Johnson.  If we get a good looking billy with white body and brown head we will keep him, so we are saving the Jeff Gordon name for the keeper.

I noticed she was missing about 5 o'clock and Hannah and I took the wheeler looking for her.  We did not find her then, but I made another round and found her with two babies.  I thought I would bring t hem to the house but she would not follow.  I finally realized she had another baby that I thought was dead, but it just had not gotten up yet.  I left them along, but later George thought we should go get them.  He took the tractor down and hauled them in the bucket, but lost the Mama in the process.  We found her with the others on the  hill right behind the house here.  I put the babies in the pen in front of the old chicken house up here just a little ways from her.  In about an hour I am going to go see if she came to them.  If not, I am going to try to take them to her.  The last one born has been standing, but is a little weaker than the other two.  My theory is you should just leave them alone, and I think we should have just left her in the field where she was.  George thought the coyotes might bother her. The Billy looks just like her.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...
