Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Good thing I did not pay much for these goats...

Cause I am not having very good luck this year.  Yesterday, Big Red was not doing so good.  One kid died sometime during the day.  Last evening, I brought the other two to the house and went to wallyworld and got baby bottles and canned milk for them.  Mama did not make it through the night, but the two kids are doing fine now.  They are both billies.  I plan on having Hannah and Robert take over feeding them when we get them going good.

They both like the babies, but Hannah really, really loves them.  The brown on she is holding is Robert's and the other one is Hannah's.

We are keeping them on the deck for a few day, so George's dog does not bother them.  Then I plan on putting them in the field with the other goats and just call them up to eat twice a day.

They have new names.  Hannah's is Thunder and Robert's is Lighting.

Four Kids.


Erin said...

Those kids sure look happy. Hannah is so pretty.

Sister--Helen said...

well let's hope these 2 make it because it looks like they are all ready pets

Galla Creek said...

It is just so hot. Poor Momma. Hope the kids do ok.