Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cemetery work

This is the west side where the Riddle stones are, before.

This is that same corner, after George cut all the trees close to the fence.  The stones are still there, but they are to the left of the post on the left and out of the picture.

These are on the East side before, looking north in this picture.  The North East corner was a real mess as you can see in the first of these, with briers and grape vines all over the corner.

This is that corner now.  No briers.

And the same East side looking North. That is brother's house way in the back up next to the trees in the distance.

I call this cemetery Leathers Farm Cemetery, but I do not know if it has a real name.  The first people buried here were of the McNiel family and died in  the 1860 to 1880 time frame.  None of the McNiel family stones have dates and all are sandstone rocks with hand carved names. There is a stone by these graves with a hand carved date of 1853.  I do not know if that is supposed to be a death date or a birth date, and there is no name on the stone.  The last person buried here was a Riddle in 1912.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know what Riddle?

It is looking good.