Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thrid Cousins

Jim Reed's grandson and Betty Renfroe's granddaughter are third cousins according to Legacy Family Tree, my genealogy program that is so much better than Family Tree Maker that Betty uses.

Their common ancestors are Melton and Gertrude Maples Powell (their great-great-grandparents) and they are both 4 generations down from this couple.

There is no 'removed' as they are both 4 generations from the common ancestor. You get 'removed' when the number of generations back to the common ancestor is not the same for each individual. Betty and Jim's grandson are first cousins twice removed because it is 2 generations back from Betty to her grandfather vs Reed's 4 generations. My program told the that also.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I knew you would know...3rd cousins!