Not too bad. Maybe an inch to an inch and a half or so of icy snow. When I walked out, it did not seem to have a first layer of ice, so it is not that slick and the t vee is saying the roads are slick but not extremely icy. T vee is also saying we have more to come.

Then I walked on out and icy thinks were falling on me. This was sleet, not snow. But, there is very little frozen on the trees and wires. We do not have to work today, and it if we don't get more ice, we will probably not loose our power, so today may be a good day after all.
We will see. Hope for snow, not ice.
It is 33 here so we have not gotten much yet. Erin said she had to go to one client today but Greg would take her.
Clayton stays with a cousin at Meme's who is a year or so older than him. He is taller than her already.
Oh, I don't have to go to school today.
Barbara said she liked her calendar
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