At 8 am we have about 2 and a half inches of snow. The snow is very fine and blowing. My in outy thermometer says it is 23 degrees outside. The one hanging on the pole outside says about 19 degrees. It is supposed to snow most of the day. KY3 says 3 to 6 inches. I doubt if we loose our power over this.
Clayton needs to cook us some chicken and dumplins. I can not because I do not have an onion at all. I have been trying to not buy so much extra food and use up what I have. Usually, I buy much more than we need and end up throwing a lot out. This week I ran completely out of margerine and onions and did not even know I was out. If brother would loan me an onion, maybe I could make chicken and something.
Helen is mad because she thinks I did not like her calendar. I liked it, I hung it on my wall already. I still want to know if that is Mama in the one photo. I also want Helen to scan in some of the photos I saw on the pages. I took a photo of her that came out pretty good, but I want here to scan a few of the others for us. I am guess I will have to wait till she forgets she is mad to ask her this.
My indoor thermometer starting flashing this am, so I went looking for the book that came with it. I thought I knew where it was in a drawer in Debbie's table, but could not find it. I cleaned and tossed a lot of papers while preparing rooms to be painted so I went through these papers this morning, tossed some more, sorted some and just pushed some back in the cabinet I took them out of. I found the stub from the first pay check I got at Tyson. On Dec 10, '88 I worked 49.94 hours and made a total of 271.80. I made 4.95 and hour. I had to pay 11.95 for supplies. I guess I bought a pair of boots. I also found the first benefit folder they gave me and the Orientation Booklets for 1988, 89 and 90.
I also found booklets for many appliances and other things we bought that no longer work. Oh, and after going through all these papers and not finding the thermometer booklet, I found it in the drawer I first looked in. I did not see it because I was looking for a book and it was just a piece of folded paper. It did not tell me why the unit was flashing. I took the batteries out and put them back in and it is not flashing now. It does not have the correct time and date. We will see if it resets like it is supposed.
Helen is my favorite sister because she made me a wonderful calender that I love. I have it hanging on my wall. You can also see in the photo the curtains Erin gave me. I hope she does not want them back because they were a bit large for my windows with the sheers between them. I solved this by cutting them down the center and hanging only one curtain per window. I did not sew up the edges or iron them. Helen would not approve, but They look fine. The wrinkles will disappear in time, or not. When we get the floor done and my new living room furniture, I will iron the curtains.
Glad you still have electric. We have
ice here.
that sounds like me. i certainly didn't sew along the edges of the curtains i made clayton. i need to get motivated and make my curtains for my 2 doors. i have an onion. you are welcome to it.
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