Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bird talk

Get Out of HERE! This is my food!

OUT, I SAID, OUT!!!!!!!!

Go AWAY!! Leave my babies alone.

The baby wrens have left the nest. There were at least a half dozen of them. No wonder Mama and Papa were so busy gathering bugs.


Sister--Helen said...

I took the boys to the park this morning before school They have coverings for play areas out here....There was a very tall umberella like covering and a bird was perched on the very top...every few minutes it would fly straight up in the air about 2 feet and then flutter back on the tip of the pole....I guess he was amusing himself but I had never seen anything like it....he must have done it ten times before I left...

Galla Creek said...

Well, that is like the song bird loathes the other.