Monday, February 04, 2008

Coin School, 1946-47 school year

I am sure Patsy is not in this picture.

Here is how Joy identified these.

Coin School Days 1946-1947
left to right
top row
Opal Bell, Carroll Swor, Loyce Magness, Leon Magness, Freddie Mae Smothers, Foy Horn, Janet Molder and teacher Auburn Green
second row
Cecil Rogers, ___ Klaus, Ronnie Bell, Marylin Swor, Russell Molder, Virginia Molder (Gweldolyn Klaudt ?)
third row
Max Bell, ___Klaus, Loy Allen Magness, Roger Molder, Emily Faye Horn, Dean Bell (Ruby Klaudt ?)
fourth row
Harold Dean Christian, Robert Addington, James Smothers, Larry Molder, Burton Plott, "Buddy" Nelson Fry, Richard Powell, Eddie Addington


Anonymous said...

Poo, I wish Patsy had not stayed home. You can tell it is Richard for sure.
Sis 3

patsy said...
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Galla Creek said...

remember Daddy did not like Auburn Green...was he mean to Patsy and Richard. Did he tell Daddy they were stupid. Why did Daddy not liek A. Green?