Saturday, February 26, 2022


 As in blink and the camera is on the blink again. I walked up and got the camera cards this morning.  The one had no pics on it. It is having battery troubles again.

This is one horn. There were 4 or 5 not so good pics of him at this time, but no others of any antlered bucks.

I thought the deer would approach from the trail, but they usually come up over the hill about here.  And this is the way I came back down.  The cameras are just west of the cave at the top of the rock quarry. I went up the trail by Helen's house but had to walk along the side in the leaves because the trail was slick, so I just came back over the hill by the cave.

There was some pics of 4 or 5 deer together, but the other camera is the one positioned to capture large groups.

A yearling giving us the side eye.

Coming over the top of the hill again.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Guess buy more batteries.