Thursday, October 02, 2014

Almost there

to the end of the week that is.  Monday, our hot water heater sprang a leak out the top.  Tuesday, we went to Lowe's and got an new one.  George put it in yesterday, so we are back in hot water.

Saturday is cleanup day at the Church then Sunday is pot luck day.  I think I am making BBQ wings and pumpkin pies.  No telling what Helen will make.  She can't cook, you know.

It has rained most of the afternoon, but I still walked about 45 minutes.  Did not get very wet.

Tomorrow night it is supposed to turn cool, down in the 40's.  Good walking weather.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Cool front got here about 7 tonight
Was 83 and 30 min later was69
It was horribly hot today

Sometimes u don't appreciate something until u don't have it
Like water or hot water