Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Family Portraits

All the girls.

Bertha, Herd Mother.

Big Red, and Little Red.  Red is the largest goat we have and I think Little Red is going to be the largest of the new crop.

Big White and her December nannie, Holly.

Crazy Patsy, born March 2013, of Big White. She is one year and 4 months old and has had 4 kids, two nannies and two billies.

Lady Grey.  Her kids are somewhat bigger than Bertha's kids.  She has had 3 kids, 1 nannie and 2 billies.

Little Sister born May 2012.  She has had 5 kids, 2 nannies and 3 billies.

Baby Grey born Oct 2013 has had one nannie.

JJ, Bertha's nannie from Oct 13.  I think she probably got bred in April, but it is too early to tell.

Holly, Big White/s Dec 13 nannie.  She cold be bred, or not.

Boots, Crazy Patsy's Dec nannie.  Our only black nannie.

CC [Christmas Carol], Little Sister's Dec nannie. She is tiny and I think she is bred.  

Little Red, born in Jan 2014. Very pretty.

Dolly, Little Sister's June nannie.  She is the only brown spotted nannie we have.  I hope she grows a little bigger than her mother and sister.

Snow White, Baby Grey's June nannie.  She is soooo cute.

June Bug, Crazy Patsy's June nannie.  Our only predominately brown nannie.

Big White and her 3 female off spring.

Little Sister and Dolly.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Well, well, family tree
how exciting to finally see
what happens in a short time
How many goats on Patsy's dime?

My fav is the little red one.