Goats eating on the Rock Quarry behind our house. If you want to know where I live, you can search google maps for The Rock Quarry, Arkansas and find me. If you are coming to visit today, be sure you have 4 wheel drive or you may have to stay all night. Weather man says we are going to get ice or rain tonight. I am hoping it is rain. I hate ice except in July.

Goats in the pasture.

Yesterday morning I walked to here. I am not sure how far this is from my house, but I think it is a little over a mile.

This is Cecil Meek's barn. Now JR's barn, but I know we all think of it as Meek's barn the other side of Meek Hill.

The whitish specks you can see in the distance here is Son's and Helen's abodes. Even Hannah knew this was our home when she saw it a couple of weeks ago from this spot when we were going to Harrison.

Close up of the same view, zoomed in. If you want to visit them today, Helen is not home and her house is so full of junk you cannot even get in the door. Son is home but his house is full of junk also. The last time I was down there, he had a dryer, in pieces, all over his kitchen. That was a month ago, but may still be there. He has given up on repairing it and is planning on buying a new one. For now, he uses his washer and my dryer.
I am the only one awake for now. I am off to wally world to get a few things. Will probably be back before they wake up.
I am really, really, really tired of cold and blowing snow, or maybe ice tonight. Except for the weather, life is good.
Mike keeps telling me that we can't do anything about the weather...I can kind of take the cold if the sun shines.....but all this gloomy gray for so long....needs to go!
I really like seeing my abode...I can have it cleaned up in no time
Oh my they graded JR's road!
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