Monday, June 17, 2013

T R O U B L E . . .

I was the only one here with the kids and they wanted to ride the 4 wheeler.  They got it started by themselves, even if it did take both of them to do it.

We will have to hide the key for sure now.

Hannah doing her rain dance.

It worked cause it is still raining a little.  Light drizzle, but it will soak in and do the garden lots of good if it keeps it up much longer.

And, see that smudge in the upper left of this pic.  The lens in my new little camera has a defect that shows up when you take pictures into the bright sun.  Mostly you would not want to take pictures directly into the sun, so it has not been much of a bother, until this last weekend when all my pics came out with a bad smudge in that corner.  It was raining here, no sun shine at all.  Well, I finally looked at the lens after looking at these pics tonight.  It has something gooey on the outside of the lens.  I cleaned it and I think now it will work a bit better.

The little black goat did not make it.  So, we are one less goat now, but we still have plenty.  Big Red should have babies in about a week or maybe two.  So it goes.


Galla Creek said...

Tell Hannah her dance was so good that it rained all the way to Russellville. It is cool and nice here.

Sister--Helen said...

sorry abput the goat hopefully you have so many the kids did not miss one