Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, Tuesday

And, tomorrow is Daddy's birthday.

I have been googling for an answer to the ant problem on my humming bird feeders.  The last couple of times I filled them, one would be full of ants within a day or two.  I refilled them yesterday and one already has black ants floating inside.  Some said the answer was to ignore the ants, but when the feeder gets several ants in it, the birds quit using the feeder.  Some said make and ant moat, some said put oil or vaseline on the poll the feeders hand from.  I think I will try the vaseline.  Some said put Pam on the poll, but then some said the ants really like the Pam.



Galla Creek said...

I spray bug spray all over the chain and hang the feeder. Still will have some and I take it down and respray the chain. Also I bought the ant granular and sprinkled on the ground below. We have a big ant problem here. I had them coming in the house...but I think I have that stopped.

I guess you googled it...that is what I do.

Donna. W said...

I don't have an ant problem, but wasps always hang around. The birds don't seem to care, so far.

Erin said...

We use Ampro to get rid of ants and it works great. We get it at home depot. Julie Powell works there. She didn't even know who I was.

Anonymous said...

Well this for Sister 3 and Sister Fleta. Hang the feeder with a real fine wire instead of the vinyl coated wire that is attached to feeder from the factory.

Galla Creek said...

I wanted to go to the grocery store on Wed. but I did not know what day Wed. was so I just did not go. We have nothing to eat but watermelon.