Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forty Seven

In the dark.  The electric had been off for about 2 hours, since 4:30 or so but just after I took this pic, it came back on.  This made me think, I can still use the computer and get on the net, even if I do not have electricity.  And, that made me think, I have had the laptop for a year and 3 months and this is the first time we have been without electricity  for more than an hour or so in that time.  I had never even thought about being able to use the computer when the power goes out until tonight.

I don't know if Patsy can use her laptop on the net without electrical power or not.  Her internet may may have to have electrical power to work.

The coyotes were howling down on Dan's tonight.  I have not heard them in the evening for a long time. I remember, a few years ago before we got the dog, there was one on the hill no more than 50 feet from the house howling.  They do not get that close anymore.  My goats go in the barn to sleep each night.  I do not think the coyotes will bother them, but we will see.  Still no babies.  I am thinking it will be another month or so before they kid.  We will see.

Today was another spring day.  This winter the global warming thing is working out for us. I just hope the spring and summer hold.  Last year in the spring we had terrible floods and in the summer terrible droughts.  Maybe Rick Parry will pray for us.

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